
Do you see the different class of people in the Midwest?

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than in the south. I mean just a few things come to mind. They are being flooded out of their houses. But do you hear them blaming the President? No they are getting together and helping each other. New orleans lowlifes blamed the President for Katrina.Half the country blamed our President for 911. And all told him to fix it. So we went to war. Now they blame him for being over there. A lot of stupid people paniced when the housing market started to rise and the fools all rushed out to buy houses that they couldn't afford and now can't keep, But we all know that as usual they blamed "THE PRESIDENT" We blame the cost of health care on ( who else) The President. Not on all the fraudulent lawsuits that people are allowed to get away with. My Question??? When are people going to start standing up for themselves and stop blaming all their bad luck on THE PRESIDENT! Someday people are going to see that he was a great president.




  1. Some people have it culturally engrained in them that the master in the big old white house on the hill is going to take care of them.

    It isn't their fault.  It is just what they believe.  They have been programmed to believe that nothing that happens to them is their fault and therefore they have no expectation that anything they can do will change anything.

    Others, assume responsibility for their lives, face success and tragedy with the same determination, and accept the positive and negative consequences of their decisions.

    These latter people are dying out and social Darwinism is favoring those who depend on the gubmint to run their lives.

    By the year 2060 this country will be a third world country, the national language will be Spanish, and the Canadians will be complaining about illegal immigration.

  2. You had me going until I read the very last line of your paragraph.

  3. no i don't sorry.. what states are in the midwest??

  4. Nobody blamed the presidentfor Katrina. They blamed him for being slow to respond to the catstrophy.The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911. As for Bush being a great president, he isn't.

  5. I don't see much of a difference (and I was raised southern and live in the midwest.)  Here in the midwest they don't like to waste words--oh, they blame George but they realize that to the politicians we don't count, so they do what they have to to get things done to the best of their ability.  And we get bitter, cling to our God and guns, and respect Barack for telling the truth, because its been a long time since a person running for the highest office in the land cared enough to be honest with us.

  6. sure i can from there they are braindead

  7. Even the President fessed up to being negligent during the aftermath of Katrina. Your assertion he will one day be seen as a great President makes me pose this question to you. By WHAT country? Surely not by the United States! He has the lowest approval rating in history. Maybe you should lay off the mushrooms.

  8. Don't throw all the South in there with New Orleans.  You didn't here people in Mississippi or Alabama whining. I live in Florida and the town I live in was hit by 3 hurricanes in 2004. We've rebuilt fine and no thanks to FEMA.

  9. It may have been appropriate for the Pres to invade Afghanistan to get at Bin Laden et al.

    But let's understand that the decision to invade Iraq was made before 9/11/01, In fact it was made before Mr Bush 'won' the election that put him in the White house. Some how he managed to maintain the illusion that Iraq was in some way related to 9/11. Just how did he get away with that?

    He did appoint one real dud to look after natural disasters like Katrina, but should we lay that on him personally? Perhaps.

    When the invasion of Iraq was being proposed and planned I spent days talking with Americans who somehow were convinced this was part of the 9/11 response. But none of them could see that the USA had no exit plan. They were going into Iraq to give power to a Shiite and Kurd coalition who were more closely aligned to Iran than to the USA, who were bitterly angry with the USA for encouraging them to go to war to overthrow Saddam Husein, then left them swinging in the wind as Saddam's forces annihilated them.

    They were going in to take power away from the most pro-American community in Iraq. And they were going into Iraq primarily to attract the fire of Islamic fundamentalists in the heart of the Arabian peninsula to avoid having them come here. It is not clear who in all of that they expected to come out of the conflict as America's friends.

    Oh, yes, the Kurds. They could be bribed with a pledge of autonomy for Kurdish Iraq. But even while pledging that, they were committing to Turkey to prevent just that. So even the Kurds  come away thinking of America as worthless liars.

    Now we can not lay the blame for that on the Pres. Can we? Perhaps. If not him?

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