
Do you see unusual paranormal activity in this video?

by  |  earlier

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  1. The only thing I saw was a lot of dust.  I have no idea what the investigators are pointing at or any idea what they thought they saw in the video that they felt they needed to highlight a specific area.  Sorry.

  2. these are just normal dust orbs. nothing paranormal. When I see a translucent person walking by the camera, then I might get excited. but not for run of the mill everyday dust.

  3. I can't use audio at work, so if there were any suspect noises I wasn't able to hear them. I didn't watch the whole five minutes of footage, I got bored a little over half way. All I was seeing was dust (orbs) and funky lighting.

  4. no

    a) right away it can be discredited because its youtube

    b) if you film and take photos in the dark, your not going to get a perfect crisp picture every time. That doesnt mean there are ghosts s******g up your shots.

  5. Definitely not paranormal or unusual !

    well ...Orbs are not signs of a haunting, they are mostly just energy, not a entity or spirit/ghost. I've never seen an orb manifest into any mist or apparition. In The 90's the revolution of digital images took place and thus bringing upon interest to paranormal investigation and research. The company Sony brought about night vision (ability to see and record pictures in darkness) which using them they started to notice new anomalous phenomenon Orbs. Thousands upon thousands these are loaded on the internet. Just about everyone with a digital camera would capture orbs. Analyzed by experts they started noticing that photos of orbs were occurring in places that were not haunted indoors and outdoors. Scientists would do experiments had thrown and blown dust or powder in front of cameras caught in the flash they gave convincing Orbs that looked exactly like those seen in many of the pictures that people search for photos all the time and look at on orb/ghost sites. Outdoors in misty conditions photos produce tens of thousands of orbs and rain produced many in photos as well. Moving Orbs seen on the night vision video are simply the result of the camcorder capturing a moving image of the dust or water droplets as they get carried past by the slight currents of moving air that are Moving Orbs are simply the result of moving currents of air and in one case an insect, dust , pollen etc. flying through the air .It goes to show that your common anomalous phenomena "Orbs" happens to be common things such as dust, bugs , rain , moisture etc. reflecting back the light of the flash and also to close to the lens.




    Lens Glare

    Sun Flare






    Change in Temp.

    Finger in front of Flash.

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  6. I saw Orbs

  7. Why do so many clips like this say things like, "It is said the voices of the tortured..."  Nobody said that.  It's just BS made up to create (as in fabricate, invent, make up) a mood artificially.

    I saw nothing unusual.  Just a dude with a camera anomaly hunting, shooting with the fancy night vision, etc.  Nothing to see here but some true believers preaching to the credulous choir.

  8. yes, spirit orbs. They are the most common form of paranormal activitys

  9. Some of the video appears to have some orb activity but again it is subject to the interpretation of the viewer. Could be dust,bugs or refracted light too. Sorry for the"Clinton" answer but this is the nature of the beast so to speak.

  10. Gotta do better than that. Dust specs floating close to the camera lens is all that was. As soon as they drift a couple inches from the lens they "disappear". Nothing paranormal at all.

  11. I am a fan of the programme most haunted. I do believe in these ghost energy orbs, The existence of ghosts are very real.

  12. it was really just alot of orbs and no other evidence so i couldnt say that it is haunted at all

  13. nah, maybe lint or bugs flying around

  14. Aaaah what, oh excuse me I seem to have fallen a sleep watching the video.  Its a bug and he is flying around the guy because he needs to take a bath!!!

  15. No, I'm sorry. Orbs are usually just dust floating close to the camera. Nothing more.

  16. i seen maybe a cat walking around but that's it

  17. No.   Most likely just fairies, since they tend to hang around places such as this.

  18. Some. I got a little bored looking not to exciting.Just ORBS

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