
Do you see your future?

by Guest66956  |  earlier

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i do, who else ??




  1. Yes. I'm going to be an ugly, fat woman with no kids, never had a boyfriend or husband, with major depression problems and no money to see a psychologist. Seriously, I'm not making this up.

  2. Yes. I will induce much anarchy in 3rd world countries

  3. i see my future, i see everything i want and need i am just waiting.

    i been taking actions as well.

  4. Thanks God I don't.

  5. If you do, then fast forward to your checking of this answer, and then you can delete the question because if you haven't noticed there are millions of worthless questions to sift through and then there are those few that have meaning.  This one is the former.

  6. my future is so bright i have to wear shades

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