
Do you sense a huge surprise (or shock) soon?

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The Sunday before September 11, I purchased a Chicago Sun Times newspaper, as I felt an overwhelming sense that things were about to change...that the way we knew life was about to be altered forever.

I took the paper home, and wrapped it in brown craft paper, and placed it on the garage shelf.

I'd forgotten this, till last week. Looking through the articles, ads and concerns of that time, I am amazed at what we've lost through erosion, and the winds of apathy.

We're headed for a Dictatorship, yet no one seems to notice.




  1. I think most who think outside soundbites, recognise stories designed to make them fearful, and in need of a big brother to look after them, for what they are.

    It's not so much heading for a police state, as that it has arrived, and is settling in.

    That's what I'm frightened of

  2. I dont want a dictator!!!!!!

  3. Which is exactly why the recent Supreme Court decision, making it clear that INDIVIDUALS have the right to keep and bear arms is so important.

    I will fight for my country if it moves toward a dictatorship.

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