
Do you sense the fear and rage from the libs on here in the wake of the McCain VP pick?

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Do you sense the fear and rage from the libs on here in the wake of the McCain VP pick?




  1. They have been trumped.

  2. They must be shaking in their flip flops after the way they treated Hillary last week.

    She just killed their bounce from the convention.

    McCain just trumped them with a Washington outsider and agent of change. The more they focus on her experience points the finger right back at Obama.

    A grand slam by McCain.

  3. very much so

  4. No rage. I have no idea who she is or what she stands for. But I will look at it. Mainly I want to know what kind of woman would agree to V.P. with such a misogynist.

  5. The real race does not begin until after the GOP convention. The VP debates should be interesting to say the least. This pick throws McCain's "lack of experience" argument out the window

  6. Falling on my derrier laughing at the example of J Mcain sound consistent example of consistent campaign-sequence message

    temperment JUDGEMENT.


    By the way, She is cool.

    I like her. This is going to be fun.

    It reminds me when BUSH picked what's-her-name for SUPREME COURT though.

    Hariet Meyers.

    I think this Governor from Alaska is more fun than meyers though.

    This is a good example of Republicans having a selection of Women I like ALREADY in office.

    My Favorite Is SUSAN COLLINS. (And I am a Liberal Voter.)But Susan Collins is one of My Top four favorite Senators.

    So I like this.

    But the exercise of presidential judgement

    could hardly be funnier and more fun.

    Has anyone ever seen McCain's example of leadership?

    Is he a leader? At all?

    Republicans 1. Don't like McCain till months ago. 2. Elect Bush twice.

    AND  3. NOW THIS IS THE Republican's idea of consistent sound judgement pattern fit for being the top of America's leadership.

    Maybe McCain needs to step aside, and SHE can be the frontrunner on the ticket. Pubs still have at least six days to rearrange what they will officially nominate.

    To quote the frosted flakes Tiger


    ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

  7. It's simple.  Intimidation breeds anger.  It's a coping mechanism.

  8. Liberals are known to use anger when lossing- most are bullies!  McCain just hit the ball out of the park with Palin!  This is a Powerful decision for him.  Even Geraldine Ferrara- Democrate- stated what a powerful move this is!  

  9. I applaud McCain for choosing a women, but have to question if a governor from Alaska really knows the issue facing main stream America.  Biden is going to take her to school in the VP debate.  

  10. If gender was not an issue to begin with ,then selecting a woman would mean nothing to anyone .

    Apparently women want equality and Obama is actually willing to deliver .

    I have no fear of McCain selecting a woman .  

  11. YES and NO

    The rage of the Obama party yes. But that is not liberal by any definition.

  12. Fear and rage because McCain showed more poor judgment in his VP pick?  I think it is hilarious.

  13. Actually, I sense the relief. He went young, but not moderate enough. He probably lost himself the election. It will be closer now then I thought. But will stick to my 5% or less prediction for Obama.

  14. No.  I sense hilarity.  If that's what McCain thinks is gonna win this election.  I really feel for the Repubs.

  15.  No rage cause it's obvious why he picked her.  If he needs a gimmick like the potentially first female VP to win, that's kind of sad.  I'm pretty sure Biden can handle her during the VP debates.  Should be an interesting run up to the election - I'm looking forward to it for once.

  16. It's comical.  They barely emptied the stadium after what was supposed to be a historic speech by Obama, and all anyone is talking about is McCain's pick... what a momentum shift.  I gotta hand it to McCain.

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