
Do you seriously believe in the paranormal?

by Guest58755  |  earlier

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  1. When you ask people if the believe, its a touchy subject.

    For those that have had experiences then they will say yes, for those who haven't they will say no until they do have experiences.

    Then you have those that don't want to talk about it. I seen a reply about "there is a scientific answer to everything". I have yet to see anyone prove or disprove it, But if you were to really study the paranormal you will see there's more evidence that proves it than you see that just says its phony.

    So when it comes to people saying they believe or have had experiences, it is always going to be believers vs skeptics and non-believers. I dont think there will ever be a "solution"

  2. *yawn*...I don't know about you but I feel like it's time for the unhealthy skeptics (the infuriatingly self-righteous, closed minded skeptics) to "prove" that the paranormal and all related subjects therein do NOT exist.

  3. I see no convincing proof that such stuff exists.

  4. I seriously do believe in the paranormal. I have had a hand full of experiences of my own. I believed before , but more so now. I still consider myself skeptical, however. I do not generally take people on their word, I think things through. There is just too much that is explainable. I like to think I apply common sense.

  5. Totally seriously? No. But it's fun to entertain the possibility.

  6. I have to say no.I'll keep looking and keep an open mind.It just seems unlikely someone will step up to the plate.So far it's all talk and no substance.

  7. yeah. i had sooo many experiences.

  8. You will find many who believe that are answering your question as they have experienced something personally. People like TSR here are going to debunk everything that everyone says as he has not experienced anything himself and wants "proof" for a million dollars prize money... this is like proving that I am in love with someone, or proving that you are enjoying the book that you are reading. The only proof that I have is that I tell you that I am in love or that I have finished the book and told you I enjoyed it. These things are very real.... too many people have experienced it for it not to be something. You can empirically measure love by the dilation of the pupils in a humans eyes, or you can measure brain waves as well that will tell you when a person is experiencing a pleasurable emotion... and you can also make anyone who has seen a spirit or a ghost take a lie detector test, however the skeptics will not take this as "proof". They will however accept this same test as proof of emotion. Isn't that amazing?????

    I agree that a lie detector test is not the best form of empirical testing, however, my point was  that these same people who will accept the results of lie detector test are the same people who are demanding proof that paranormal activity exists. They can not accept that if there is not documentation on a subject that something might very well  be.

  9. yes I believe in ghosts and all of that, I haven't had any experiences yet.

    you should watch a haunting you can watch it for free at just type in ah spellbound 1

    ah the possessed 1,ah monster in the apartment,ah the presence.

  10. Paranormal would be anything that escapes conventional explanations. Unfortunately, scientists and skeptics have the answer to everything - so therefore - there is no such thing as paranormal. Just misrepresented physical phenomena.

  11. If you have experienced it there is no question about its existence.  Otherwise, it seems stupid, not believable at all.

    I have experienced it many ways.  At first, I was dabbling with a Ouija Board and invited evil spirits.  Since that experience, I learned to only trust God's angels.

  12. Yes, I believe, and I have experiences every day. I deal with angels and children mostly so far, but have made a few friends in the spirit world.

  13. I've had a lot of experiences throughout the years, so yes, I do believe it exists.

  14. Yes.

  15. This is for the other dummies like me who don't know what that word means!

    I don't have to "believe in it"..I KNOW  it happens.

  16. no, everything has a scientific explanation, remember that even science gets weird sometimes

  17. Yes, I believe in the paranormal which simply means human experiences that science so far has failed to provide an adequate explanation.

    The million dollar prize is a scam offered by a magician with a proven record of dishonesty here is one example

    "Randi also claimed to have debunked one of my experiments with the dog Jaytee, a part of which was shown on television. Jaytee went to the window to wait for his owner when she set off to come home, but did not do so before she set off. In Dog World, Randi stated: "Viewing the entire tape, we see that the dog responded to every car that drove by, and to every person who walked by." This is simply not true, and Randi now admits that he has never seen the tape"

    (this is the man that would decide if the claim had been demonstrated and if to pay up or not)

    On the other hand actual scientific experiments have been conducted by qualified scientist that have produced positive evidence for both ESP and Remote viewing.

    These scientist have walked the walk had their work evaluated by some of the most qualified people inside and outside of their field and their results found not to be due to any flaws in methods suggested by skeptics or bad statistics, or fraud.

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    "Rosenthal, after considering the possible influence of various flaws upon study outcome, concluded that the overall hit rate of the studies could be estimated to be 33 percent, whereas chance expectancy was 25 percent."

    Indeed skeptics that claim poor methods caused the positive results have never "walked the walk" by demonstrating that any claimed faults could result in positive results and in science all claims (even those from skeptics) require supporting evidence.

    Yes, I seriously believe in some paranormal abilities and experiences based on extensive supporting evidence gathered from well controlled experiments and evaluation of those experiments.

    Of course not all paranormal claims have such extensive supporting evidence and on other claims I remain objective (neutral) by not dismissing the possibility based on my belief system while at the same time not concluding that they exist (as other than human experiences) until I see supporting evidence from well controlled experiments.

    In other words I walk the walk of the philosophy and methods of science that skeptics reject in favor of their faith.

    I believe (as a matter of my faith) that studying these phenomena will advance science and our understanding of the world even if it only reveals information about skeptical opinions (something they don't bother to research) like how people may perceive something to be paranormal with a natural explanation and when and where this is most likely to take place.

    Edit: Oh come on only five thumbs down for the only person that provided links to actual supporting evidence can't you skeptics do better than that, I'm disappointed.


  18. Yes.  However, I don't believe all the claims.

    So, does the government, they just are able to keep their investigations secret.

  19. Yes I do believe in the paranormal. It only happened to me once, but something paranormal did happen to me. It changed me from being doubtful and skeptical to believing that there are many things I don't know about or was wrong about in the way of the paranormal. Amazing how something can happen just once and force open a mind. I'd cut and paste you my Word file about it, but I've already posted the story several times on YA. I really don't want some of my favorite contributors saying "Oh no. Not this again!"

    Have to add, this field has plenty of con artists and clever deceptions. That doesn't help credibility. I believe paranormal events to be rare and random, making it hard to test. I do think in the future, with new advances in science, explanations will emerge.

  20. Yes because I have experienced it. I have the same thing happen to me as other who sense things. I have been to psychics who have all told me the same thing that I have a spirit who follows me since I was a cid.

  21. I mean "why" Not

    It's fun to believe and state you theory's think how god created Earth did he mean to create something like this and give the right to have these odd things happen

    Try this

    If that doesn't help I never had an experience so typical to paranormal before but I will tell you

    Thinking outside the box may lead to thinking the truth

  22. I do. I'm studying alot about this, and i'm trying to learn more and more everyday. But, I can answer any question that anyone asks me. So, if you need any answers for anything paranormal, occult, supernatural, or anything at all that is related to this then e-mail me! Also, I know alot about demons, and theories, or anything like that.

    ALSO!!! If you think that a friend of yours might want to e-mail me, then please give them my adress!

  23. Many people claim to "believe" in the paranormal, but it seems strange that none - none - are prepared to walk the walk by claiming the one million dollars on offer for any demonstration or convincing evidence thereof.


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