
Do you seriously think the 360 is dying...?

by  |  earlier

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i mean a lot of things about the 360 either the ps3 has or a lot of their games are going to PC which A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE. I mean im 99% sure halo 3, gears of war 2 and fable 2 will all be going to the PC. I mean all the games before then such as halo 2, gears 1 and fable 1 were all ported to the PC. I think its stupid of microsoft to do that. Sure microsoft made windows and stuff but i think they could gain a lot more if they didnt port them onto the PC.

Also games such as bioshock are going to the ps3... and all the things ps3 has are built in and if you were to put them onto a 360 would cost over 700 bucks... so why get a 360 when you can instead get a really good pc... or even a ps3?




  1. I currently own 2 computers, Wii, XBox 360, PS3, and some older systems.  Out of all of them, if I had to pick one, it would be the 360.  Although I would miss the blu-ray graphics, I wouldn't miss any games (yet).  Wii is fun for laid back or party play.  The thing that makes the 360 stand out is the online play.  One game I noticed you missed was Call of Duty 4 (You know game of the year.)  Not only was the game awesome, the online play is the best ever.  I no longer like Halo.  The online play adds so much value to your games.  

    And sure bioshock is going to PS3, but there will be no difference in the graphics.  I hate this fact, as I was looking forward to a better looking Rapture.  Most PS3 games match 360 in graphics as game makers aren't utilizing the blu-ray yet.  I hate that too.  I got PS3 for 'graphics', there are no games for it.  (At least not until Little Big Planet.)  But the blu-ray for movies is nice.

    So anyways, point being, the 360 is not dying.  It is the staple of the true video gamer.

    (I know I didn't mention PC's, but really .... )

  2. i have a ps3 and a 360 there is not much difference in the graphics and the xbox has better games , loads of ps3 games have been terrible like haze , lair , and that fighting game with the woman with red hair that you can finish in a day , aprt from the blue ray player the ps3 has been a big let down  

  3. the reason I dont have a xbox Microsoft is over rated ive always been with sony but to be honest I wont get a ps3 either in four years they will come out with a Ps4 or a new xbox charge 2-350 dollars more then the last one then it will be outdated,,, this time I went with wii lot cheaper has great graphics and instead of pushing buttons I get to play games that are interactive and actually takes some skill  

  4. I fear you are underestimating the fanboys.  

  5. see your wrong there 360 excluse stays on  360 then its ported to pcs about year later   whitch  they get about max profit out of 360 then  pc brings in more sells

    pcs u have to update it and ons of b.s

    ps3s its decent servers but still bit laggy online so dont matter blue ray  is ish with out u pay 30 bucks for dvd and gusse what  nextflix and joing microsoft u pay 5 bucks for netflix and  u go to there site and u click what movie u want and 5 mins later it streams to your xbox  

    and ps3 wtf 3 hour upodates   wtf 360 3 sec updates

  6. 360 is not dieing it is not slowing down in sells it is the best off a systems on the market for the price pc games are great like tf2 and what not but it really comes down to what you want the best system (360) or some games that a really good for pc

  7. I think it just depends on what you want out of a system. I know the PlayStation 3 can play just about any kind of video format either from disc or flash drive. It is HDMI ready out of the box, bluetooth compatible, but the real selling point for most people is the blu-ray player which is great, i already own a PS3 and Xbox 360 and i have to say i like the PS3 allot better. It does everything the Xbox can do. Exclusive titles are coming, and most ports are the same or improved now. If you want a PC check out these sites for great prices: and, best prices for the specs!

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