
Do you seriously think this?!?

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I came across a question that someone asked about if you steal less than 20 dollars from Wal-Mart and you get away, will they still catch you after your gone? And about 15 people all said yes, that the cameras will catch their liscence plate number or they can just check the cameras else where to prove you are stealing?! OK SERIOUSLY THOSE PEOPLE ARE WHACK! Think how many customers Wal-Mart has in one day! Do you think Wal-Mart is gonna waste their time going through 24-42 hours of video just to see if someone has stolen something? And do you think they'd waste their time showing the videos to the cops, writing down the liscense plate number and then tracking down the 84 people that stole stuff in one day? No. Unless you are obvious and pick something that has a magnet in it, you are NOT going to get caught buy Wal-Mart. Seriously people. Come on now. You have more common sense than that, don't you?




  1. they dont they just say it to be cool

  2. actually since they have hidden cameras all over the store, you probably will not make it outside before you are caught.

    if you do they will not only have your license, but exactly how you look.

    pretty stupid anyway to steal 20 bucks worth of anything , unless you are a homeless person stealing food.

  3. Wal-Mart is super-easy to steal from.

    *I do not condone stealing from Wal-Mart*

  4. Do you realize how many millions of dollars a day Wal Mart would lose if they let everyone go that stole $20 worth of merchandise? Let's say they have 1000 people walk in an hour, if 100 steal $20, that's $2000.00 an hour. If they are a Super Center and open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, that's $336,000.00 a week. If they didn't prosecute they'd be broke within two months.

    There is no such thing as a little stealing. It's all bad.

    edit: But stealing is still stealing, and it is wrong. I'm not talking about whether they can afford it, I'm speaking of the moral. I only used the math to show what the possible cost would be. Also, when theft happens, the cost of stolen products is passed on to other customers via price increases.

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