
Do you share former Vice President Gore's concern with global warming?

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Do you share former Vice President Gore's concern with global warming?




  1. Yes

  2. It's a win win win win to give it some merit. cleaner environment, less dependency on foreign oil. Remember how long Teases oil files lasted when many families didn't have one car, new generation of jobs which could in long run low cost of energy, and stabilization of global warning.

  3. If fat Al cared about global warming he would change his life style and set an example.  Can't you tell a scam when you see one?

  4. No, and he wont even debate well know scientist. He is a ego-maniac and a fraud

  5. Of course, people have been warning about that since the mid '70s, we are finally reaching the point where it's becoming impossible to ignore, so people are finally starting to listen.  My only concern is that there enough people still in denial to prevent the kind of societal changes that will be required to begin the deal with it.

  6. Yeah, I do. His movie was extremely well done. He just came out there with stats, which never lie. There is no doubt that global warming is real, and it is becoming a serious issue.

  7. no, I also don't believe in aliens

  8. No. I think it's great to care about the environment but you shouldn't have to be told to do so, especially by someone who does not practice what they preach.

    Also, is there even proof that doing some of the things he says to do can reverse the effects of global warming. There have been reports that indicate that global warming is just a matter of climate change and that humans aren't responsible for it.

  9. I actually just watched a really great documentary on I think National Geographic.  It explained very simply about carbon foot printing.  The main point was that the carbon that was in the environment in the time of dinosaurs, which eventually lead to their extinction has over time become the crude which we now drill out of the earth for energy.  We then use it, re-polluting the planet with the same pollution that it had thousands of years ago.

    In effect we are deconstructing natures way of cleansing the earth, and doing it very quickly.  General estimations from many scientists appearing on the show all agreed that yes it would have a significant effect on the earth, and human kind, and that our species and most others would not survive in the end.  However, they all also agreed that those changes wouldn't reach the boiling point for a very long time.  If I remember right most opinions where within the next century, if things remained as they are now.

    I don't personally understand why we would want to pollute the planet, which we obviously depend on to live, especially when it would be so easy not to.  Also, why do so many people complain about others who want to clean it up?  I like having clean air and water, food that isn't toxic, and thinking that maybe my kids will have those things too.

  10. Yes. It is a fact. I grew up in Germany and we used to have long winters, early frost etc. The warmest I remember were 22 degrees Celsius in the summer. Germany has very hot summers now and short winters. For me this is proof that global warming is a fact.

  11. Yes.   I wish I had gotten in on the ground floor of the eco guilt trip. I wish I could afford to pay what he does in electricity while he preaches cut backs to the rest of us, and that I had been smart enough to invent my own carbon credit company, so I could rake in the dough there too!

  12. Yes.

  13. yes its proven so many times animals are dyng it has to be stopped there is so much proof and solutions

  14. This planet has been warming and cooling for eons.  Any effect man is having is so minute as to be immeasurable.

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