
Do you share the suspicion that the atheists on R&S are only here to entertain one another?

by Guest64889  |  earlier

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where in this question is there a fact or statement (as a proposition, axiom, postulate, or notion) taken for granted?

Pangloss you are a genius and a credit to intellectuals everywhere.




  1. No. You entertain me enough, what with names like "Gods Chosen," and "Bride of Jesus." I mean seriously, it's HILARIOUS.

    Thanks so much. <3

  2. Well, we can't count on the Christians for that.  No sense of humor...

  3. Actually, I have studied many religions and philosophies and come here to answer questions such as this one-;...

    Thanks for assuming though.

  4. Well, not really. Some of us are here for spiritual reasons, like me. I am a spiritual atheist. If entertaining other atheists happen, or they entertain me, just count that as one of the perks.

  5. You mean they're not supposed to?

  6. Who really cares why they are here.

  7. Suspicion............ i would say it is more than just a suspicion.

    I just love the laughter.......... Don't you?

    I mean "No one talks so much about God as those who claim He does not exist"

    Have a nice evening!  

  8. Hey! I'm an equal-opportunity entertainer.

    Hopefully this link will make you feel better.

    (Watch! Little tiger cub waves at you!)

  9. While I like to imagine others find me entertaining that's not my purpose for being here.  I'm here to answer questions.  I may even ask a question one day...  

  10. Well, at least we ain't asked to pay tickets for that.

  11. Actually, I'm here to entertain me.

  12. Well we're not here for prayer circles that's for sure.

  13. Yes, but maybe just maybe they might learn the truth.

  14. Yes! Emphatically YES! This is a forum for asking question to try to get info on a point and to learn. THAT is in the guidelines.

    But over and over and over I keep seeing stupid questions that have absolutely zero to do with the topic.

    It's a shame because I love to ask and answer question about my faith and others faiths.

  15. View it this way, what they hear today and reject, doesn't mean they have made a final rejection.  So possibly, down the road, they may remember waht they heard and accept it.

    Plant the seed and let God grow it!

  16. You have to admit, we do it rather well, don't we?

  17. I have fun on here, yes. And the Christians need to grow a funny bone. I'm sure humor isn't a sin.

  18. I am here to learn from the people who post legitimate questions and answers. Certain groups of people will cluster together to feel a better sense of security.  I am glad I don't have to call on them to persuade them to agree with me.

  19. There are a lot of them who are witty as well as intelligent.

  20. Well, like your predecessors, you are wrong in your suspicions. Why, the last question was very amusing and it was from a Christian (I don't think he was trying to be amusing, though). Some of my fellow non-believers have a good sense of humor but Christians can come up with the most unbelievable stuff. Sometimes, it's pretty amusing to see the confused gibberish they come up with .

  21. What else are they going to do?

    Beats getting outside and finding a life.

  22. Aunt Eyechrist "I come here to mock xtians." You'll be pleased to know that you are famous. YOU are mentioned in the bible.

    Please read Jude 1:17, 18 and 19.

    God will have His way.

  23. I'm merely passing through on my way to murder the beast known as boredom.  I'm not here for the entertainment of anyone in particular, but if one should find what I have to say humorous then that's cool.

    I'm not here to belittle the beliefs of anyone; I just like to read what people have to say, so long as it's not horribly bigoted drivel (from either side of the proverbial fence).

    I did enjoy the remark about atheists being on this forum as an alternative to getting a life.  I find it wonderfully ironic that someone with a fairly high account level can say that without looking into a mirror.

  24. I disagree with Evil Debra. I find Christians to be very entertaining sometimes because they say the "darndest" things.

  25. Yes, but it is a fact not a suspicion.

    Each of them attempt to show that they are funny, humorous, and educated. Each trying to out do the other, and all the time trying to prove that something does not exist they claim does not exist to begin with. And they fail miserably at it.

    They believe that mocking our God, belittling others, and generally acting stupid makes them look like the "head" atheist.

    I must say though, they are quite humorous, just not in the way they think they are.

  26. Well, gosh.  I was hoping to be entertaining to the fundies, too.

  27. Shh, you're making the other theists look bad.

  28. most atheists here on YA are very entertaining.  none of them take themselves so seriously as to try to convince others they need to find Jesus.  (hint: Jesus is hiding in the dryer.)

    sadly, many (not all) of the Christians who post here are judgmental and downright mean-spirited.  h**l, you guys fight with each other - so how do you expect a person of any other faith or persuasion to take any of you seriously?  

    sorry - this Pagan will take the atheists over the Christians any day of the week.

  29. I come here to mock xtians.

  30. I came here to entertain myself and learn. If I entertain other people along the way then that's good too.

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