
Do you shave your pubic hair?

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If so, how much (all of it?), how often and why?




  1. nah  i just trim it ill shave it sometimes for my boyfriend but thats about it. I prefer to have some hair because it keeps me clear of any infections plus pubic hair is ment to be there for a reason. why else would we get it. pubes help prevent infections. why do u think we have eye lashes nose hairs and for some people ear hairs LOL

  2. No way it causes too much irritation

  3. I do because I love it just soft and because I don't like the feeling on the lips thingys it bugs but I got so sick of getting itchyy!! So I tryed waxing the results were amazing it didn't grow back for like a whole month but I can't take the pain. But when shaving probably one or twice a week. I used to shave all of it and it kept getting bumps in the same spot so not I just. Shave a cute triangle and down by the rest of it and keep the triangle trimmed  

  4. My wife likes to be clean shaven. I have shaved her legs, underarms and all down there since we have been married. I am quite an expert now! Average twice per week

  5. yep, all of it, everyday, cuz it gets itchy lol

  6. Yes, I shave all of it. When you wear a bakini or have a guy down's mortifying if you have hair down is not good. I shave down there about every 2 or 3 days.

  7. yes i shave all of it because no girl wants  hair in their mouth and i shave it like every 2 days or day because it looks terrible coming back

  8. No.  

  9. Yes I do. I shave all of it. I shave it 3-7 days after I shave before.

  10. yes.Because i dont think its attractive to have a bush

  11. Yes. When ever I shave my legs.

  12. Every other day or so and I shave all of it!!   Once in a while I will get lazy and not shave...then I let it grow and go in for a Brazilian Wax...ouch!

  13. I'd only ever do it for medical purposes.  

    All that itching and scratching as it grew back would really get me down.

    A couple of years ago I had to wear a Heart Monitor and the nurse shaved my chest where one of the sensors needed to go.  It never grew back :{  So my boys tease me about the bald patch!  

  14. i do and im a guy.

    try to wax it down there or use nair.they even have nair for men.

    if u wax u wont have to shave or wax again for like a month.and if u shave it will grow back thicker and darker.but if u wax it tears the root making it thinner and the more u do it the less u will have.

    if u shave u get razor bumps or burn.

  15. no cause it grows black think and ruff and dark

  16. Well it all depends, if you want to shave, be prepared of the fact that it may grow back more bushier and longer and you have to shave more often. There are prob different designs you can find off the internet that you can shave if your that lame..If your a guy, id prefer trimming it so if other guys see it, they wont call you g*y. If your a girl, id shave it all b/c its kinda nasty for a hairy v****a. If your going to shave, keep in mind that use shaving cream and shave DOWNWARDS, and also it is a good idea to wash after. Be careful of cutting yourself which can hurt alot.

  17. I'll admit to having shaved it a few times... mainly because my BF requeste I do so. xD Haha.

    I normally don't though because I get bad razor bumps. :x Which suck.  I tend to just trim a bit.

  18. I use a beard trimmer and I leave a little on. It's like a buzz cut..

    Cause long pubic hair is nasty but i don't wanna go bald either. I always remember some guy on t.v saying he didn't wanna look like a 12 year old boy...haha

  19. All of it! How often? Whenever it starts to come back. Because body hair is disgusting and I think it's much more attractive when people shave or wax.

  20. no

  21. yes, I shave most of it. Shave every other day.Why? because I don't like little rough bumps

  22. honestly i use SALLY HANSEN'S lotion hair remover i removed all of it last week

  23. I just sorta trim mine because otherwise it gets really long.. I use a razor but i dont go all the way down to the skin.



  24. yes. all of it. about once a week. because too much of it is grosssss.

  25. not in a while lol  

  26. Yes who wants a ugly bush.

  27. Yes, every 2 days because I don't like seeing my pubes peeking out of my underwear! It also makes me feel cleaner.  

  28. I don't because it grows back even darker because of the angle that we see it at, and it has a reason - to protect from infections and things like that.

  29. no, not usually.

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