
Do you shop at places with no refund policies?

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I have an online clothing store; , and I have a no refund or exchange policy because of the complexities that go along with it.

I would like to know if retail return policies have a impact on your decision to make a purchase. All of my items are under $30, but I want your opinions so I can no what other people think about it.

I know there are many places out there like the 15 dollar store and ebay sellers who still prosper in spite of their no refund policies.

Your feedback is appreciated! Thanks.




  1. Nope.  I tend to associate those stores with cheap product (ex.- Forever 21).  I am not saying that your product is cheap, but when I see this type of thing, I tend to assume it's because the company is more interested in getting a quick sale, and once the customer realizes the product is garbage or not right for him, it's too late and his loss.  You got the sale.  This is especially an issue when purchasing things online, where there is no opportunity to really preview what you're buying.  The more you can accommodate your customers, even if it inconveniences you or costs you a bit more, the more money you will make.  A happy customer is a repeat customer, and will recommend you to his friends, family, and associates.  Customer service is my number one concern.  This is why I switched my cell phone service from Verizon to T-Mobile.  Even though Verizon has better coverage, their customer service is absolutely atrocious.  T-Mobile's customer service is excellent, and I have no problem getting whatever help I need from them.

    Good luck to you and your business!

  2. NO...NEVER!

    No money back means that the customer have to stick with junk if the merchandise is defective. The same goes for the so called "re-stocking fee".

    As a matter of fact that's the first thing I ask before closing the deal; if I hear the phrase "no money back" I back off the deal.

    I have seen that most of the time those practices are used by small retailers with poor quality products and services; also scams use that trick a lot.

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