
Do you sleep better knowing that Rural America will come through this election and vote for McCain/Palin?

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Being a lifelong Democrat, I once feared Rural America. The same Rural America that came out and voted strongly for Bush in '04 despite that administration's atrocities. No one I knew liked or approved of anything related to GW but somehow, someway-- he was reelected. I never once voted Republican and in November, that day will finally come. Despite the constant stream of celebrity endorsements...despite the media bias...despite the worthless polls...despite the 80,000 adoring fans packed in a stadium chanting his...despite all that-- I sleep better knowing that Rural America (the very Americans that cling to their guns and their religion) will once again win this election and vote for McCain/Palin.

Despite the contrary, do you feel the same?




  1. I personally will be voting McCain/Palin.  Obama keeps telling us what he's "going" to do, but never the "HOW" that goes along with those great ideas.

    As for the war: Last I checked, there has not been a draft...therefore, anyone that is serving this great country overseas, is doing so of their own free will and desire to keep us free, not just "freedom", but free from terrorists and future attacks.  The war is not in vain.

  2. They're going to reform "themselves" and save us from "Republican" policies that have hurt our country over the past eight years. Yeah right.

    Obama and Biden were very respectful of Palin in responding to questions about her daughter and ethic investigations.

    She took the low road and got slimy. Talking about his roman columns going back to the movie set and shamefully questioning Obama's motivations to be president as a career move?

    If that all sounds like more of the same, that's because it is.

  3. Absolutely; I have said over and over again that Rural Americans are the backbone of this country and the ones who actually show up on Election Day and they will overwhelmingly vote the McCain/Palin ticket and we will be safe for another 4 years.

  4. Rural America will once again rescue the nation from Hollywood and left wing fringe groups. It always has been and always will be a beautiful thing.

  5. I grew up in the mountainous region of the west .Some of my ancestors were pioneers.

    Have lived in rural America most of my life. Perhaps the mid west bible belt voters will vote for McCain -it is a toss up about that right now.

    But where I live rural Americans will vote for Obama. So do not count your chickens before they are hatched . A very Rural old saying.

  6. yea, McCain/Palin 08!!!!!

  7. definitely the same

  8. I FEAR it! I am completely appalled the way GW handled the country, I am appalled that Our country is heading to a depression, I am fearful of the war in Iraq and the fact a war loving guy may possibility have the  power of waisting our HARD EARNED tax dollars towards something most americans do not believe in, (remember Viet Nam anyone?) I am Majorly appalled that Big Money Hungry corp. will receive tax breaks while the rest of us get raped of our freedoms!

    I disagree w/ you 100%! Sorry but it's the truth and the issues.  

  9. That same group of people has kept a Republican in the White House for 27 of the last 39 years. A lot of Obama supporters are tired of hearing about John McCain's past. Well, those of us in middle America love hearing a story about a war hero.

    People like to forget that it was the Democratic party that sent our boys to Vietnam and looked down upon them when they came back! It was also the Democratic South that tried to keep African-Americans as second class citizens.

  10. im disgusted that rural america is so stupid to not realize that voting for mccain will put us in even deeper sh*t than we already are.

  11. No.

    Americans want a change and McSame is not a change.

  12. As a rural American that quit hunting 20 years ago and only makes it to church for weddings, funerals and Christmas, I sure as heck hope they do. I like the charisma and energy that Barack brings but I'm not ready for his policies.

  13. No.  And I think people are waking up a bit finally and it won't happen.

  14. Yes I do !!

    Democrats for McCain/Palin !!!

  15. Actually all the polls indicate that Obama is leading McCain in all the rural area votes.    McCain is out of touch and owns 7 houses.   There is no way rural America would vote for a loser like that.    Rural America doesn't mean dumb America.    Only dumb people vote against their own interest.    The best thing for rural america is Obama and they are not going to vote against their economic interest.  

    McCain/Failing '08

  16. I live in rural America and have been studying and following both candidates along the way.. First I believe that McCain is not another GW Bush. Secondly, I feel Obama is way over his head in politics.

    Thirdly, I believe that Palin is a breath of fresh air, so I have to go with

    the Republicans. I don't like the economy, war, gas prices, other prices, and etc. But, even though I have a son in the army and been to

    Iraq and probably will go somewhere again, I have to put my vote on the McCain/Palin ticket. I am too uneasy with Obama, Biden. The election itself is too close to call anyone's yet though.

  17. Washington politics is a monolith in a bubble not truly representing the best interests of the people but rather those of the politicians.  McCain/Palin have the grit to go after our bloated government and work on getting it more in touch with the common person.

  18. Are you kidding?  Rural America will be too busy running their meth labs to vote.  They can't even stop long enough to feed their kids.  And Sarah Palin was mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska, which is how she got in office.

    The only reason Bush got in office twice was massive voter fraud, starting with the Choice Point list in Florida and ending with the DOJ interference with elections that caused Alberto Gonzales to resign.  The only way Grampy McSame will get in is if they tamper with the elections AGAIN.

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