
Do you sleep like a log or if someone steps on a dust bunny, you wake up?

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Do you sleep like a log or if someone steps on a dust bunny, you wake up?




  1. not a log but not so sensitive - somewhere in the middle.

  2. dust bunny - most of the time

  3. Oh, wow, I am the most heaviest sleeper you have ever met. And a lot of heavy sleepers sleepwalk and sleep-talk. I do both often. I don't know how people could sleep lightly! Well, that's my answer for ya.

  4. I sleep like a log.

  5. I'm a selective sleeper. Earthquakes under a 4.5 on the Richter Scale don't even stir me, but if I hear my B/F cough, I'm up and awake before the echo dies!  Actually it depends where I am and how tired I am. Usually I'm an average sleeper, that is if someone knocks on my door I'll wake up but if they're just walking around the house I won't stir!!!.

  6. My hub snores so loud he could frighten a chainsaw--but I sleep thru it lol---wake up with my ears ringing in the morning tho. one of my sons asked me once---mom, doesn't dad's snoring bother you?  my reply was only when the neighbours phone to complain about it.

  7. Oh man, like a total log. Alarm clocks are completely useless when met with my superior sleeping ability.

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