
Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?

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Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed?




  1. closed.....

  2. closed because otherwise it's too light and i can hear my dad snoring

  3. a tiny bit open but almost completely closed,

    i like my room to be dark when i sleep and the bathroom lights always on.

    but i have to have it slightly afar for my cat to get out and also i took the door handle off the other week to replace it but just never got round to it yet lol

  4. door to the veranda open, the other closed

  5. Closed.

  6. When I sleep I close the door.Because let someone enter self bedroom is not good.And also many insect will come and a little bit disturb you.Also the window I close ,too.Because at night is very scare for me if I open the window.We can breath nature wind ,too but i don't want because I am afraid.

    This all my answer and my comment.

  7. closed because my mum goes out in the morning.

  8. open

  9. closed cause I'm married with a daughter so who would leave there door open

  10. closed, used to have it open when i was lil tho

  11. always closed


  12. Closed when hubby is home (he works swing shift, some days, some nights) and open when he's not.  I like to hear if the kids get up or if there is something going on.

    We have 2 dogs that bark but they sleep in my room.  If the door is shut they can't do their job.

  13. I sleep with the door slightly open, it feels claustrophobic otherwise.

  14. Always closed. Apart from the fact that it feels nice and private, it also helps prevent the spread of flames & smoke in the event of a fire.

  15. After everyone in the house is asleep, I like the door open.  I like to be able to hear what is going on in the house.  If I slept with it closed I am afraid the phone could ring, or someone could be at the door, or someone could even try to break in the house and I wouldn't hear it.

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