
Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

by  |  earlier

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  1. ~~This is a big arguement in our house! I like all the sheets and blankets tucked into place (except at the top part of my body) and my husband doesn't. First thing he does is pull the top sheet out from the bottom corner. He says he has to be able to stretch his toes. Of course his feet are usually dangling outside everything by morning, and I have to totally remake his side every day. I want the bottom part of me under everything so I just can't figure him out~~

  2. tucked in.

  3. body covered but feet sticking out the side.  The sheets do have to be tucked in at the foot of the bed or I will remake the bed.

  4. Argh let my feet breath, set them free,OUT

  5. i sleep on top of my sheets with a comforter in case i get cold, but usually im too warm to even use blankets.. + i sleep with a fan and the windows wide open. i'm always warm.

  6. I sleep with the sheets tucked out babe!

  7. i dont care as long as im completely covered

    i hate waking up with my feet out of the covers

    so usually tucked in i would say

    when you say tucked in you mean like at the bottom and the sides of your mattress yeah?

  8. it doesnt really matter to me

  9. usually either wrapped around me, or rolled up in a big ball at the foot of the bed...

  10. I don't use sheets except for the one on my mattress.

  11. Bottom sheet's fitted and the top sheet is only tucked in at the bottom.  

  12. Tucked in at the bottom

  13. I like mine out or at least loose.  

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