
Do you smoke cigarettes?

by  |  earlier

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If so, what made you start and why?




  1. Yes, I do. Smoking once a day is good for relaxing and even improve your memory!

  2. I had smoked to 8 years,(young and dumb),quit for 12,then went through a divorce,started again,smoked for 8 years,but only a few cigs. a day,2 1/2 years ago I decided to quit,and did,still crave them once in a while,but work through it. I know of some people that were smokers for a long time and are now on oxygen 24/7,and my cousin has to use a nebulizer twice a day,she is only 54 years old,and looks terrible,there is NO way I wanted to end up like that,I will never smoke again !!! I am 53

  3. Yes. All my friends were doing it. Then we all jumped off a cliff together.

  4. This question does not belong on this forum. This question is not food or drink related.

  5. I've smoked them occasionally, because I happened to be standing outside with people who were. But I don't do it frequently because I do not want to get addicted - it's a waste of money, not to mention really bad for you.

  6. i had my first cigarette at 8 years old... my friend actually smoked contiuously since 8 years old... i started smoking at around 16... smoking is very relaxing no matter how gross and disgusting etc people think it is.. my dad has always smoked cigars my entire life so i had always enjoyed the smell of tobacco.. since then i have moved on to pipe smoking cigars etc..

  7. Mostly out of rebellion. When I was younger, if I was angry with my parents I would lock myself in my room and smoke a cigarette and maybe have a beer. I don't smoke now though, so I never got hooked.

  8. I first tried it when I was 12 because I had been fascinated by smoking from a very young age. Once I tried it and found that I loved it, I wanted to continue, so I did. It was a combination of the taste, the feel of it, the nicotine, and the whole smoking experience of inhaling and exhaling clouds of smoke - just wonderful!

    Have you tried it yet?

  9. yeah peer pressure and i wish i never started

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