
Do you smoke marijuana?

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do you smoke pot...

why or why not...

do you think that it should legal




  1. I do not smoke pot only because I do not choose to. I don't have a problem with other people smoking it though.

    Alcohol is leagal, cigarettes are legal and I really don't have a problem with pot being legal. Would probably solve a lot of crime problems invloving drugs. I do believe some people do need it for medical reasons and they should have access to it if they need it.

  2. nope! it's a stupid thing to do. because a) its illegal and b) it messes you up

  3. NO!!! BECAUSE ITS STUPID, and h**l no it shouldnt legal!!!

  4. yes because its awesome and should be legalized

  5. no i don't therefore i have all my brain cells!

    i don't cause i don't see a need to do so and i don't think it should be legalized,it bad for u, period.  

  6. yes, for the same reason people drink and yes  

  7. Not now because I am pregnant. But I do on occasion.

    I smoke it because I prefer it's effects to alcohol but I will not after I have my son.

    Yes. I used to work for the public defender's office of Philadelphia in the misdemeanor unit. About 70% of the case load I dealt with was marijuana related offenses. Filing the case cost the city of Philadelphia about $300 (ie: the taxpayers). About 40 to 50% of people would not show up for their case in which a bench warrant had to be issued and the case had to be re-filed - which would cost a grand total of about $500 (tax payer money). Therefore, to charge someone on misdemeanor marijuana in which case the case would either be dropped or a small fine and community service would happen it would cost $800. It's insane and a waste. Too bad Philly taxpayers didn't know their money was going to that nonsense.

  8. No, I don't like it. I don't really get any euphoria out of it. No happy feeling. Just relaxed and I'm already relaxed I don't need that feeling. Plus it's a little too trippy for me.

    I don't think it should completely be legal because, pot heads get on my nerves sometimes.  

  9. Yes I smoke pot.

    Regardless of legality, I choose to smoke cannabis because I believe when used responsibly and in moderation it can be a wonderful tool.

    Pot has many benefits, in my personal opinion.  It is just about the most relaxing activity that I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.  It enhances just about every aspect of your daily experience from food to music to movies to video games to just hanging out.  It makes me feel better when I am sick.  It causes feelings of warmth, happiness, creativity,  and understanding.  No body has ever died from use of pot as it is impossible to overdose.  Feelings of irrationality and violence rarely occur, and if they do the user should be smart enough to discontinue use.  If they do not, it is their own stupidity causing problems, not the pot.

    Overall I do not really care if pot becomes legal or not.  I know that I enjoy it thoroughly and will continue to because I believe in freedom of choice regardless of what society tells me is "right."

    Try it before you discriminate.  Try it before you believe the propaganda.  

  10. yes. its a better sober. try it and u will see why. it should be legal.

  11. yes every day it helps me with axienty and h**l yes it should be legal

    achol is legal and it causes way more problems u don't see some one getting high and jumping someone or any violence  

  12. no because i am not interested.

  13. legalize pot, everyone uses it anyway.

  14. No, I don't.  I don't do it because it's illegal and I have children and will not risk losing them because I'm doing something illegal.  If it were legal I most likely would smoke, not every day, but sometimes.  I used to smoke before I had children.

    I absolutely would make it legal. I think legalizing it, regulating it and taxing it would solve a lot of problems.  It would give money to the government and take care of the people put in jail for having small amounts of it, which costs a lot of money for the tax payers.  Just think of the crime that would stop just by legalizing it.  And with the legalization of marijuana we could also legalize the growing of hemp and stop depleting our soil so much!

  15. No I do not nor will not smoke marijuana.  I date a complete stoner and I don't feel like I'm dealing with the genuine person that he is.  I have other reasons, like I've done my research on marijuana via JSTOR (you can have access to it if you go to college).  Although the effects aren't as extreme as methamphetamines, cocaine, or any opioid; it can have extreme effects on a developing fetus (neurological damage, increased risk of childhood cancers) and will fry your memory with heavy intake over time.  I have a bad enough memory already:  I don't need to make it worse.

    As for legalizing it, we should definitely do it.  Over half of all people in prisons are drug offenders and prisons are breeding places for violentizing previously non-violent offenders.  Call it a college for crime.  They go in for selling weed and come out to rape or murder someone.  The War on Drugs is largely a failure and an inherent contradiction in American domestic and foreign policy.  Take, for instance, our coca eradication programs in Peru and Bolivia and then look at our aid to the Contras with help selling cocaine to fight the Sandanistas.  We should rehabilitate drug offenders, not lock them up.

  16. no.  it isnt good for your health.  i dont really care if other people smoke it or not as long as i dont get it by chain smokers so i dont care if its legal or not although i would prefer it to not be legal

  17. No.

    It's stupid. You get bad breath, yellow teeth, lung cancer, and you become unhealthy. you are basically killing your self. It ruins you. Tobacco is bad, but better than marijuana. I am a 6th grader! U should know this! TAKE DARE classes!!

    PS: It's elegal

  18. no.

    anything that enhances depression is not something to enjoy.

    shouldn't be legal, theres no point.

  19. no i don't only because i have a chemical imbalancement and it makes you feel like your on crack

  20. no..don't have access to it..not really interested either.

    idc if it's illegal or not

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