
Do you soak a sprain ankle in hot water with salt or just leave it soaking with ice?

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Do you soak a sprain ankle in hot water with salt or just leave it soaking with ice?




  1. ice 4 sure.!

    and keep it up... dont put pressure on it

    when it heals do lots of ballance training, stand on on foot and raise onto ur tip toes, stand on one foot and close your eyes with your hands above your head

    all these exercises will help to prevent it from happening again

  2. spain ankle treatment is called R.I.C.E.





    so let is rest a little then ice it for 30 min

    wrap it for 30 and set it an a elevation like on a pillow.

    the next day i suggest hot water and epsom salt.  

  3. Once I twisted my ankel so bad, I had to crawl for like two days. Even the sheets on my bed hurt it.

  4. You want to soak it in ice to reduce swelling and pain.

    I hope it feels better!

  5. Ice First 24 Hours

    Heat Second 24 Hours (it can be a salted hot water soak or dry heat)

    then Repeat so that one day you ice, the next day you heat

  6. a little of both

  7. always soak a sprain with ice

  8. Ice it. Don't soak it at all. You'll freeze your foot off.

    Cold reduces blood flow = reduced swelling.

    Heat would increase blood flow = increased swelling. :(

    Lay on the couch or something, prop your foot on a pillow or the arm rest, and put an ice pack or something from the freezer snug around your ankle for a bit. I think it's like 15 or 20 minutes. take it off, wait a bit, and redo it.

    Oh, and go to the doctor. :)

    when I sprained my ankle, I iced it and elevated it immediately, and it barely swelled. Hurt like h**l. But the swelling was minimal.

  9. DO NOT soak it with salf..salt makes you retain water which is not good. just ice it for fifteen minutes on, fifteen minutes off for as long as it takes for the swelling to go down. belive me.

  10. no soaking in hot water at all.. the heat will make it and elevation is the key to reduce the swelling.

  11. You should put an ice bag on it for 15mins then take it off for 10mins. Keep alternating in this pattern. I don't know why this helps, but this is what I was told in first aid training.

  12. R.I.C.E it


    Ice(Apply Ice or cold pack, but make sure you remove it every 5 min and wait 2 min, othersise the blood will constrict and other cells in the body wont receive nutrients from blood)

    Compress (wrap it tight with a bandaid)

    Elevate(draw the blood away from the area)

  13. you would want to soak it in ice water or compress it with ice water to alleviate the pain and swelling mostly then place it in hot Epsom salt water to alleviate the rest of the pain and relax the muscle, tendons, and or nerves.

  14. ice it, and tape it tight to immobilze it, so you dont reinjury it

  15. I believe salt is used for open sores or cuts. soak your sprined ankle in ice water to decrease the swelling.

  16. Nothing Hot.


    Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.

    Hope that heals soon.  

  17. Put it in ice to reduce swelling

  18. ice and elevation.  no soaking.  ice in a bag or cold compresses.

    tape or brace your ankle for a week or two after a sprain to prevent re injury

    the ice and elevation is mostly to prevent pain and swelling... though some say that swelling and inflammation promotes healing... I don't have a definitive answer about that.  All I know is that ice and elevation is the answer I always get from doctors, as well as the most common advice found on the web.

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