
Do you sometimes count steps when you go downstairs or upstairs?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes

  2. ROFL

    how do you come up with these qs??!

    Yeah I do sometimes....there's usually about 12 in every house.

  3. Yes but this can be a symptom of OCD!

  4. I do that...but I noticed its only usually when Im carrying laundry down or something. I usually dont even realize I was doing it until im to the bottom.

  5. I used to

    But I gave it up when I was eight!

  6. Walaikum Asalam...


  7. Usually when I'm going upstairs because when I'm going downstairs I go to fast and I'm not looking down.  

  8. no Mr.Random i dont =P

  9. yes, but only when going upstairs. so long as it doesn't interefere with being able to go up, I don't worry about it.

  10. Yes, sad I know.

  11. Sometimes, ever since I went on a Sherlock Holmes kick as a teenager and learned that there were seventeen steps up to Holmes and Watson's flat in Baker Street.  (Since most flights have only fifteen, Mrs. Hudson's flat must have had rather high ceilings.)

  12. Yup when i have to go up a tall building I'd probably do me maths be4 goin up.Goin down is no problemo.

  13. Yes wen i go upstairs i do as i think not many to go till I'm at the top, especially if I'm carrying something.

  14. sometimes i do yes, but i don"t know

  15. Yessss! Makes me feel so productive especially going up!

  16. No. Busy thinking of my reason for going upstairs in the first place

  17. nahhh lOl i run up my stairs so....

  18. OMG I used to do that and i thought I had OCD

  19. Always hasty in ascending or descending stairs and usually lose count of steps.

    But after eating, having expressed shukr and Masnoon Dua, I never remain inaction, make certain to walk 40 steps, triple times at least.

  20. yap  some time

  21. Only if i've got my little cousin brother or sister with me.

    walaikum assalam!

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