
Do you sometimes feel as if someone is touching your head when you are alone?

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im not even thinking about scary things but when im here in front of my comp i feel like a werid sensation on the top of my head as if someone is touching it. i have seen my cat staring to the roof wheres theres nothing oh and my house is all made of cement so theres not rats or little animals on walls on roof , does this happens to you ? is there any scientific explanation?




  1. i had a similar experience one night when i was alone in the house working on my pc. i felt a strange sensation around my the back of my head like a coldness or something electric that made the hair on my neck stand on end. the sensation only lasted a few minuets and i continued late into the night writing out a four page sales report  that i needed for a conference the next was only just before i was due to deliver my report that i read through it and found the most unnerving sentence that i have no recollection of writing

    it said "Why did you do it Mary,why"

  2. all the time.i have many conections with the spirit word.ther are spirits that hang around me when i am at the computer,or alone at home watching tv,at bed,even some that like to hide my things.

  3. I agree with hislady...your crown chakra has opened up, allowing you to experience receiving information that is coming directly from your higher consciousness.I have felt it all my life, plus being 'touched' by invisible hands on my face, legs, feet, arms, back...Through the years I've gotten used to it. They are my guides who love me and want my attention so I listen (when I can)...

  4. Does it by chance feel like this: "When fully active it feels like a thousand soft, warm fingers gently massaging the inside of the top of your head, above the hairline, and extending down in the center of the forehead, to include the brow chakra, which is part of it." ??

    If so, that's your crown chakra activating. Means there's a higher spirit around you, like an angel.

    If that's not it, if it feels more like someone stroking your hair, then it could very well be. could be a relative come to say hi. I've felt that before, I'm still not sure who it was that did it, but I have felt it.

    These first two will feel like someone is there, watching you. I always get cold spots, feel a soft, cold wind when they first approach me.

    And then again, I have had just a crawly scrap, like goosebumps that go over your scalp. Been a while since I felt this one though.

  5. A lot of people will tell you it's nerves, and IT MIGHT BE.

    There is also a possibility, judging by your screen name, that you think about spirits.

    If you leave a door open, spirits, (good or bad) are bound to come in.

    If you think about them often, your conscious mind is opening the door to them.

    But, it might just be nerves.

  6. uhg no that as never happened to me....

  7. I feel that every once in a while on the top of my foot.

    Usually when i'm alone and laying in the bed with no shoes or socks on.  It feels like someone is lightly touching my foot with one finger.

    i'm assuming that it's a spirit trying to get my attention.

  8. Yes. They like to touch my feet and hands. Sometimes my waist and it gives me the heebie jeebies. I don't like feeling like my space is violated like that. I try to ignore them but they are so intreguing. It must be really hard to be dead and not have anybody know you are standing two feet in front of them. I used to have a bird and he would sometimes flip out for no reason and I think he was being picked on by a ghost and it made me mad. I think it feels good and bad to know you aren't alone. It's a weird feeling but there's nothing else out there like it.

  9. It is probably a nerve sensation on your scalp or inside your head. You can also get these sensations anywhere else on your body as there are nerve endings all over. You may be more sensitive to this sensation when you are alone and it is quiet around you. Then, if you feel apprehensive after feeling it, you can create anxiety that further amplifies the sensation. Believe me, it's not a ghost.

  10. Yes, people actually see my hair moving when it is happening.

    I have a young male spirit here, we call him peek. The reason for his name, is, when I have company, he likes to peek around the archway & watch us, yes, lots of people have seen him, with out me telling them about Peek before hand.

    He actualy touches my hair more, when I have my hair done at a salon. There was a time I cut my hair short, he never touched it. He must like long hair. It isn't touched in any sexual way, just a playful movement.

  11. Either the Laws of Physics themselves fail capriciously...or you, I, and others experience occasional nervous glitches.


    Me and My Fish: You should visit a psychiatrist, that's not normal.

  12. no not really its probably just ur nervouse sistum

  13. energy commlunication?within?

  14. No spirit, I have not had something touch my head when alone. I have however had something touch me in my dreams. I feel in my dreams. My husband witnessed me in sleeping in the living room chair and I got poked in the right arm very hard and could feel it for an hour after waking from it. He saw me, nothing touched me. It woke me straight up. I have not had a past of feeling in my dreams. It has only started the last couple months. It started with a dream of multiverses, and hasn't quit since. I saw different dimensions all in the same time as now. They were real. I felt them too. Something has been different for me since then. I have seen much. I am still working out what I see. What I see is real, I do not doubt. My dreams have always come true.......Anything is possible.

  15. the voices in my head say to ignore that.

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