
Do you sometimes feel like...?

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The United States of America is a very special country, with a destiny for success. However, because of the lack of morals and values, that it is not living up to its potential and heading for self-destruction? Because I do. I moved here from a 2nd world country, and everyone knows that the United States was blessed with the power to change the world. However, we are so consumed with ourselves in a bad way that we are not living up to our destiny. We need to start with fixing our country's morals and values and then go on to bigger and better things. NO? Agree disagree?




  1. What moral and values have we been lacking on lately ? Our rights are still protected as citizens so i do not understand what is bothering you please be more specific

  2. Audry! Too bad that we can't get the rest of the country to see it like you do. They would rather point the finger at every one else!

  3. I agree but that might be cause I'm not American. I studied in the States for 4 years and I definitely think its not going in the right direction. Once again it might be cause I studied in

  4. yep thats my thoughts

    been here in this wonderful country all my life of 50 yrs


  5. I love my country the USA, but I know it also and this country worships youth, beauty and money and power

    This country is the greatest in the world, but it began to go down when it developed nuclear weapons and all modern technology; these additions seemed to have destroyed its morals, almost like now that we have bombs we don't need to be humble or kind to all countries.

    Yes, it is still kind in many ways but pride is very dominant now.

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