
Do you sometimes feel that men are condescending to you?

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Do you sometimes feel that your opinion is not valued as much because you are a woman?




  1. Sometimes, but all you can do is keep proving men like that wrong.

  2. What do you think feminists zealots do to men? They have made a life study of been aggressive and patronising. Men have no recourse to this, but women do.

    It's possible that the people you 'feel' ( a man would have used the word 'think') are being condescending, would treat men in the same way as well. Men also give each other a much harder time than they tend to give the ladies.

    It is also possible, probable in some cases, that the men are trying to be extra supportive, caring, or they may fancy you, because there is often a sexual element. This could easily come across as patronising, when it is not intended.

  3. I've noticed that some of the posters here are completely clueless as to what being condescending means. They try to say that those men who are doing that are only being concerned. I don't think that talking to a person like they're stupid or a little child is exactly being concerned. I don't think these people realize just how insulting it is being talked to like you're stupid and you need to be protected from yourself.

  4. Never.  Even if a person has a degree of knowledge in some areas that is higher than mine, I am open to advice and will take it as such.  No one can make my opinions invalid or undervalued, but myself. I have taken advice and been disproven by men and women alike and have never read more into than a disagreement of beliefs or character.

  5. Yes, but conversely to that, they become rather intimidated if I use a 'big' word and tell me I would be more likeable If I used less erudite vocabulary at times as they feel as though they have undergone a verbal castration if I say equivocation or efficacious or some such word they do not understand. I really find such amusement in these men, with their distortions of reality, their dismissal of third level education, an entire university degree is useless, merely to keep their egos robust and healthy. How much better it is to be a woman and not have such petty conflicts with my ego. It leaves them such half-persons, non-persons who cannot connect to other humans only their own mastubatory glorification!

    I bloody hate condescending men, who literally have NOTHING to be condescending about!!

  6. all the funny answers here are written by girls, if that answers your question.  lol

  7. Yes, though not as much as I used to.  Most of the men I know have learned that it's a bad idea to condescend to me.

  8. Not anymore. Guys were condescending to me as a kid, but so was everyone else; I was very shy then. Now I have guys telling me that they admire my balls.

  9. h**l F*CKING yeah! What is so bad. I am 2 times smarter then the men in my work and they got a problem with it because I am a women.

    The person I work for is a man and he doesn't have a problem with me being a women, the guys at my job gets ticked of by me. At least there are men that don't have a problem with it or I will be forced to shoot them... Just kidding=3

    I tell the guys that has a problem with me being a women to go "F*ck yourself sideways." =3

  10. men are egotistical by nature. they were created to make machines and pretty much have no compassion. men are machines. so it's no surprise that 99% of wars and crime is committed by men. we can never have peace unless women migrate to another solar system. i don't think that's going to happen soon...

  11. Yes, especially because I am small, blonde, and have somewhat childlike facial features.  However, when I bust out 10 pull ups and squat 185 pounds, they usually change their tone.

  12. Sometimes that happens, yes.  But I'm assertive enough to get my point across when I need to.  Besides, I only care about the people who are close to me, not the random stranger who is condescending.

  13. There are men who try to be condescending, usually much older men, and most frequently relatives.  To keep the peace, I generally ignore it.

    If it happened in the workplace, however, I would let them know that their behavior was inappropriate.

  14. No, men seem to think that but I don't. Its their loss.

  15. No.  It's hard to take a juvenile attitude seriously.

    Need alot of patience to deal with that kind of behaviour.

  16. Not yet -  they don't dare and besides, I'd give it right back.  I wasn't put on this earth to tolerate that kind of disrespect.

  17. Men would have to be superior to women for this feeling to take place. Are men chauvinistic? Some are.

  18. When i was in my early 20's it was bad. but now that im older its a total turn around.

  19. I do not know about that, but I sometimes think that some women regard men as just an enemy and that anything they try to do is wrong. I also think some women act stupis to try to get an advantage and then complain when a man does patronise.

  20. No. Actually my boss knows how much my opinion worth, because he presents quite a lot of projects which are made over an original idea which I designed before. Maybe I should be the boss.

  21. yes, particularly with my father. If I have an opinion about something or other he will often laugh at me but take great interest in what my brother has to say on the same subject.

    My husband on the other hand would seek my opinion first on a problem/subject before he would anyone else and finds my father's attitude towards me repulsive so it defiantly depends on the individual man.

  22. Depends on what she is talking about and how emotional she is acting.

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