
Do you sometimes feel that some of your questions/answers get plagiarized in sports column?

by  |  earlier

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i hear some of the sports columnists get their ideas from reading blogs on the web and get credited for publishing them thru their column. it happens when they are beating their deadline and when they are suffering from writer's block.

if you have experience like this, how do you feel?

any example of question that you felt the idea was taken from you and only to read it published in a column after a day or 2?




  1. LOL, i know what u r taLKING about. Like when i was thinking about my team doing a trade or digning a free agent, and the next day, the exact person was signed or traded

  2. I do know how you feel.  Blogs and forums like these in Yahoo! Answers has been used in articles.  I have seen something I said in Yahoo posted in my local newspaper 10 days later.  It was a question I answered about my favorite NBA on NBC moment.  

    The article used my words exactly as I did in my post.  However there was no concrete way to prove that he copied my words and sent them to print.

    It was frustrating, but on the other hand it was a cool compliment to know that someone found what I said good enough to place in a newspaper.

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