
Do you sometimes not like to sleep?

by Guest32776  |  earlier

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I have mild insomnia. When I do sleep, I'll wake up 3 hours later bored out of my mind but not really wanting to go back to sleep. It's like my body is rejecting sleep?




  1. YES I DO  

  2. Yep I have had pretty bad insomnia my whole life and it's really not that inconvenient seeing as how i only need 5-8 hours of sleep MAX (more is nice though lol) but if you are having trouble sleeping then I would STRONGLY recommend meditation it works wonders and if you want some info on that than google around a bit there's tons of info on it.  

  3. yea..i feel that way sometimes too, but for a different reason:

    in the average human lifetime, we will spend over a 1/3 of it sleeping..that sucks. sometimes i feel like i am missing out on stuff when i am sleeping.. but you shouldn't wake up bored....sleeping isn't're thinking about it too much...just let your body recharge, and you'll be fine.

  4. Good morning.

    Aside from having children who do not help the cause. I only require about 4 hours sleep max. That is why it seems like I live on I do. Try working out, reading a book, writing down ideas that usually only come when  having insomniac moments. I usually come up with great ideas then. Good thing I have hubby to keep me busy. I used to clean and cook for the next day when I could not sleep, now I usually play with whichever twinkie happens to be up.  

  5. I am not a happy camper when I can't sleep, and let me tell you, there is nothing worth watching on TV at that late in the night/early in the morning.  And heaven forbid, you fall asleep watching a DVD, the d**n title page and theme music keep playing on the main menu, and next thing you know Sylvester Stallone is saying "maybe I should have broke YOUR thumbs!"  Holy c**p!

  6. After taking a sleep hygiene seminar, enjoying high quality rest and sleep.  

    Strongly suggest anyone experiencing fatigue and or poor quality sleep consider Sleep Hygiene guidelines and informative concepts.

    Imagine awaking refreshed and bouncing out of bed eager for the day's challenges.

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