
Do you <span title="think........................................................?">think.......................</span>

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teens are more lazy to study today than teens from 10 yrs ago because of their electronic gizmos and myspace?if Yes why?




  1. who knows? if we dont have any proper info, then it wouldnt be fair to make assumptions. I turned 13 in 1998 and twenty in 2005....but im sure that people are nastier than they used to answer  is less to do with myspace and more to do with what I think has changed!!

    .It seems that its &quot;cool&quot; to be selfish sometimes, there is even a book defining what &quot;cool&quot; is, and selfish is one of them, and admitting ur imperfections is maybe our concept of &quot;cool&quot; nowadays makes kids seem that way,if they are trying to live up to that set of standards that has evolved in social consciousness.

    In the 80s it was &quot;cool&quot; to be politically aware and a bleeding heart  &quot;leftie&quot; politically, so &quot;selfish&quot; would have been less cool back then.

    ...I .think kids today are definitely less innocent, and although there have always been cases of kids having nasty things done to them by other kids, like being beaten up etc this tended to be common in more minority social sections like ghettos and housing estates, but I think on the whole, this has spread and kids are a perhaps a bit meaner and shallower and more judgemental nowadays.

    Oh yeah..and the availability of certain videos on myspace does mean that its easier for videos of &quot;happy slapping&quot; and being beaten up to be viewd by kids who would never have seen them before, and I do think that if they think thats cool to begin with, then it just makes them think everyones doing it, and its normal. My Ex saw a video that his Ex gf put on Myspace of group s*x with her in and she wasnt even 18!! If some other 14 yr olds watching that think s*x is cool or are curious about it, then they might think everyones doing that kind of thing and it may encouage them....because the &quot;big kids&quot; who they look up to, are doing it and posting it online. Esp as there are thousands of videos like this.

  2. yes these things all play apart in the lack of kids studying but it is not the main reason, kids weren&#039;t studying before myspace and they will continue to do so after myspace is long gone, i think that it is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that their child(ren) do good in school. parents can not complain about what they allow, if you are a parent then you are, or i would rather say SHOULD BE, in control.  

  3. i wouldn&#039;t say they are lazy i would say more easily distractible. and i would also not recommend making such a large general assumption...

  4. absolutely.  There are too many distractions nowadays.  In fact, add a cell phone to your list.  I make my 17 year old shut his off in the evenings.  He gets texts every 10 seconds and you can&#039;t concentrate on homework that way.

  5. Yes they seem to take priority over school work. It`s as if gossip, chit chat and having a laugh is more important than homework and studying.

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