
Do you spare part of every Day, to write letters by fountain pen on home-made paper to send to beloveds?

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And Friends???

I do, in my afternoons.

This practice allows that MUCH of me which in the modern world has almost ceased to be meaningful or of such enthusiastic, joyful expression.

Always when I am done, I am no longer in a ravaging century, where haste, and "lets, get "IT" done Already!" seems to be the demand.

And always after I post such letters, will seal them with wax into envelopes I have designed and illustrated.

I find much enjoyment counting the days 'till I'd hope they would arrive into the recipients' hands.

I am NOT so fond of what has been made of a former era of elegance - and much of a special attention paid to others in similar return.

What do you prefer???

And for what reason(s)?

Thank you.




  1. Grecia, I am admitting that emails have taken over and the written personal word is rapidly becoming extinct..

    However I still occasionally actually put pen to paper and communicate in what is now deemed to be an antiquated way..I write..

  2. 1) I have no idea how to make my own paper.

    2) I don't always have time to do that with college, work, and other events.

    3) Stamps add up to be pricey if you do that often enough.

  3. No I'm Lazy I just send smoke signels,,, it really been tuff though,, because calif has been having a lot of fires,,  so they think im calling them names  O well  

  4. In all honesty I think you are overly romanticizing a bygone era with an unrealistic appraisal of what living back then was like.

    - Virtually no equal rights for women.

    - Wide spread domestic violence against women and children.

    - Racism.

    - Oppressive society.

    - Poverty.

    - Lack of technology (which of course includes medicine such as antibiotics).

    - High infant mortality and low life expectancy.

    It's great that you have the time on your hands to practice calligraphy.  Most people don't have that time.  But I do think that you need to be more realistic about the good old days, before you dismiss the modern freedoms we have.

    UPDATE: I'm not saying there is anything wrong with writing letters, we all have to have a hobby we enjoy.  I just thought that you were a little tough on your opinion of the modern world.  It has problems, but then so did living in virtually any other era too.

  5. I stopped writing letters manually using fountain pen, long back, as far back as 1967, when I learnt typing. I started using typewriter to write letters to all. Later I took training in Computer during 1989 and start writing letters using WordStar with the help of DotMatrix Printer. Later I started using M.S.Word to do it. Now I am using HP Inkjet Printer. Actually I am using pen very rarely, when I want to sign the cheques and writing some prescribed forms/challans.

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