
Do you spell worse than you did before you started using Instant Messenger and Text Messaging?

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I was just curious about this. I was a good speller until fairly recently. I find that I'm spelling things phonetically or that I'm using a word that sounds identically, but is a different word (like cents and scents). Has anyone else noticed this? I've been wondering if texting and using IM is fueling this - because it actually works against your favor if you spell something correctly because 9 times out of 10, it takes longer.

Your thoughts?




  1. Well, no I don't. I can still type just fine (barring the occaisional typo). I generally don't type differently. All I do is not use capitalization or punctuation (mostly) in IMs or texts. I just think it's really stupid to spell things wrong just to save 1-3 letters. How much effort is that?

  2. I spell better.Spell check has been a great tool for me to learn how to spell a lot of words.It so easy not to check your spelling with chat.Its getting to be a common acceptance to ignore misspelled words

  3. I haven't found that my spelling has deteriorated, but then I make sure not to use abbreviations or chatspeak while I'm texting or IM-ing...

  4. Tell me why you like or dislike the Harlem Renaissance?

  5. hey darlin- i live in tennessee and here we have communication mostly with txting and IM- i am 14 so i use it a lot and my spelling isn't doin so well, it's not only you sweetie, my parents are trryin 2 cut me down- c i automatically use , 2, u, it's horrible- hope i could help pumpkin, good luck- c now i just spelt could instead of good b4, and it sounds almost the same-- GOOD LUCK DARLIN

  6. i dont spell any worse than i did before im and text messaging.. but i do agree with you, that it takes forever in a century to have to spell things correctly though because yes it takes so darn long.. especially with text messaging when you are only allowed so many characters.. sometimes just gotta use 4 instead of four... 2 instead of two or to or too.

    then there's a list of countless things.. just as examples... or typing @ instead of at...etc..  R U there?

    its not that we're spelling incorrectly, again with most texting and im messaging, they limit the  how many characters are allowed.. so when trying to send a message to someone, its just to let them know and fit it in one text

  7. i actually don't text-abbreviate at all.  not even an lol.  for the sake of not losing my super spelling skills.  i can see how habit would do that.

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