
Do you spend more on booze than on the food when u dine out?

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Do you spend more on booze than on the food when u dine out?




  1. i don't drink, so no.

    However, restaurants count on the huge mark up for bevarages, alchoholic ones in particular, to offset the not so high mark up of food. They really want you to drink up!



  2. Not unless we've brought guests. Then the bar bill can sometimes be quite a surprise.

  3. Personally I always spend more money on food. I'm not a big fan of drinking unless I'm upset.

  4. Only if I'm eating at a bar, which in never.  I have friends that spend more money on booze than food, but they eat at home, and drink out in public resturaunt and bars.  I spend a lot of money at starbuck's, and drink my booze at home.

  5. about 50=50

  6. Depends where it is.. i would say the food though

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