
Do you spread your Knowledge even to people who might be...?

by  |  earlier

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..."hard of hearing " ?

Explain , please.




  1. What we percieve as right may not be the same for others.

  2. lol, sounds like my students... and yes, you should see their silly gaze at me sometimes.

  3. Only when people ask for it...not otherwise

  4. You don't share your knowledge to those who are too stubborn... They have their own mind set to what is right...

  5. No, you can make an initial attempt -but if they respond to you in ways that make you understand that they don't hear you, it's kind of hard to explain (as I don't speak "sign language").

  6. I so desperately want to spread the 'sound' of my knowledge;  but they just wave it off!  What to do?

  7. knowledge is to be shared, but it shouldn't be imposed on anyone. it is still their choice to either accept it or not.

  8. No that would be a waste of my precious time.

  9. Yes, i share,  but i wouldn't insist

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