
Do you star?

by  |  earlier

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do you give them freely

are you mean with them

How do you decide who gets one?




  1. I rarely give out stars. Only questions that I have pondered but never thought to post, or questions that seem to be tailored just for me are (in my opinion) worthy of a star.

  2. I only star if a question is of great interest to me or is something that I would like to watch. Generally, I am quite mean with my stars.

  3. All the questions I answer have a Star Sparks.  I feel if they are intresting enough for me to answer then they can have one.

  4. as long as its not a unneccesary question i star very, very generously but ive ran out of stars i can give for today

  5. i only star if i think its a really good question

  6. I try to star the questions I answer....but sometimes when I have a backlog of them....I forget....

  7. only to my contacts and to people who ask thought inspiring questions

  8. if it's funny. nice, or it gives a great answer.

    i am about to ask a question right now actully!

  9. I rarely give a star. It makes Me laugh when people tell 'jokes' on here and type 'star if You laugh'. Funny or not, mostly not, those stars are meaningless when applied to a 'joke'.

  10. I'm tight with my stars some times i might have 10 left over per day.

  11. I  automatically star when I answer the question Barb and would only not star if I thought it wasn't a good question, but then I usually don't answer if they are not!! xx

  12. To be honest I forget most of time to do it as there are that many in the morning to go through I forget sorry.

    If I come across a question that I know one of my contacts would be able to help with them all the while give them a star.

    Thanks sparkle I do thumbs up all good answers and if I put up a question thumbs up everyone except trolls as they get extra points added on the 10 for best answer.

  13. not getting one.....

  14. half the time i'm to busy answering the question to star i do star but sometimes i forget sorry out there if i starred your question but you never got it !!!!cos i forgot!!!

  15. yes   99-outta 100`get them` its publicity`?

  16. Starry starry nights???
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