
Do you stereotype cheerleaders? ?

by Guest56094  |  earlier

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Most movies and like TV shows show cheerleaders to be like mean/S****y and I don't think I am either and I don't think the girls in my squad are either.

So my question is, do you believe the stereotype and was/is it like true in your school?





  1. I'm from the UK where cheerleading wasn't really common, or at all present in my school when I was there, so it is easier to stereotype when I've never had anything to go off.

    One Tree Hill shoes cheerleaders who aren't as S****y as the typical shows...Bring It On I don't think was particularly sluttyish either.

    I see cheerleaders as athletic girls who are popular...I don't know whether you really are though.

    I agree about the 'like' thing, it does make me think of American's in general, but totally a stereotypical thing of cheerleaders. But it's just part of how you speak, so I can't really complain or anything. I once met an American who actually went up at the end of every sentence and I'd met a lot of Americans that week so it was odd - stereotypical!

  2. I think their all sweet little whores.

  3. I like how you like say like in front of like everything. It just like totally adds to the like stereotype.

  4. There is a perception in a lot of countries that cheerleaders are big headed, blonde, nasty, backstabbing and will do anything to get what they want.  They pick on weaker students which makes them bullies, most are daddies girls and they throw tantrums when they don't get their way.  Certain programs such as that Sweet 16 or whatever that c**p is called doesn't show mainly young women in a positive way.  I can only imagine what they will be like at age 35.  That's a lot of negative things about being a cheerleader.

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