
Do you stick Q-Tips into your ears?

by  |  earlier

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I do,i know you aren't supposed to but it feels so d**n good!and it gets the wax out.




  1. ? what do you mean you're not supposed to? yes i do and it does feel o so good especially when your ears are itching something fierce and if you want to go a step further you can do a hydrogen peroxide wash.

  2. yeah, but only if i need to clean my ears.

    if i didnt, my ears would be sooo dirty.... i could probably plant something in there......

    ( :

  3. yes for the same reasons..except sometimes I go too far and start coughing which is wierd to think you can gag yourself by sticking a q-tip in your ear lol

  4. o yes get that deep itch and h**l ya the wax water wont get out u cant but you can also plug your ear by pushing in the wax.let hot water from shower run into your ears for a min while u bath

  5. Eargasm! Yes!

  6. yeah i do sometimes. my mom cleans her ears with hair pins.. seriously.. its scary.. i dont know why she does it.

  7. haha....i just got out of the shower and did that exact thing

  8. Nah.....I always use my finger...........x

  9. yes. what else are they for?

  10. every day  cuzzzz

  11. You are supposed to put into ur ears. They clean ur ears out.

  12. I definately do. I love how it feels.  

  13. well you must join me in QA...not questiona nd answer, but qtips anonymous...

  14. this has recently been proven to be very dangerous and can cause serious infections and damage your inner ear ,i lost my hearing in my left ears ,it is not safe to use QTips as once thought

  15. Yeah, they just put the warning on there so they're not liable for some idiot who jams it in there and pokes out their own ear drum by not being careful.

  16. I'm addicted to it too. I have Q-tips right in front of my TV so when I get the erg I can do it.........Is there a rehab for Q-tip addictions

  17. hah i agree

  18. yes i do.. and oddly it does feel good

  19. I do it all the time!

    It feels sooo good!

  20. no- only my elbow

  21. Yep, I do.

  22. yep

  23. Very carefully!

  24. I thought I was the only one who enjoyed doing it!!  Feels gooood...

  25. i do, in fact every morning...i got a thing about having my ears clean..iv e even thought i hurt myslef by jabbing them in there too far.

  26. I was always told not to put anything smaller than your fist in your ears.

  27. actually they were designed for that, duh, well as long as your not like going all the way through or something

  28. i do! it feels good and it really cleans my ears!

  29. Only if I'm on E.....but on the real, drugs are bad mmmkay.

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