
Do you still burn wood to cook?

by Guest32476  |  earlier

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Man!! This is the most shocking scene I have seen in Australia that I have never seen in the US. I visited a couple friends' house from the other friend in Australia... They still chop wood to cook and boill the water from burner or stove for bathing water. What a country I ever seen and now we live in 21 century rather my grandma time. Can't believe people still use such old facility to cook in their life.

How can we get save the earth? People living in modern life with a lot of heat remission from electric facilities, but the other living underdeveloping countries still doing the same old things chopping trees and woods. How our earth can totally get rid of green house effects? None can't help them.

Have you seen any similar scene in a " developed" county while travelling?




  1. Burning wood is the only way for those people to cook their food. Life is actually very hard in the 3rd world countries that's why there are still people who does it.

    There are actually two choices for them:

    1) It's either they burn wood so that they can cook food.


    2) never cook food at all and starve to death.

  2. maybe it's just those people.

    but yeah, think about people in uganda or something. they still drink out of wells.  

  3. I do all the time.  I have a ton of wood and by doing this, I am accomplishing two things at the same time.  I am getting rid of the wood. (the ash takes up a lot less space.  :P)  And I cooking with an energy cource that is much less harmful to the environment than, let's say, mining for coal.

    My neighbors don't seem to mind.

  4. Actually it is good to use it. It has a natural taste if u use it to cook.It is healthy.But not so good because we use wood from trees.

  5. i've read in the net that still ppl live in the stone age in Australia

    and that they found ppl in amazon forest still living like B.C age

  6. ever tried a wood fire pizza? it's **** loads better then oven baked! You know burning wood was a traditional method probrobly thousands of years old on how to cook meat! yes people have new methods today but doesn't mean that EVERYONE should be doing the new way! some people like traditional methods! AGW is trying to force such lifestyle changes on people and their traditional methods!

  7. most people do here in Mexico in the old style kitchens

    and on the barbeque's

    You will find that all 3rd world countries do

    I use mostly an electric burner

    When I am at home.

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