
Do you still care about who killed JonBenet Ramsey?

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If her name wasn't so unique would the story have garnered as much attention?




  1. that woman was wrongfully murdered.  if you dont care about that than you can ignore it.  something like that is important to SOME people ya know...Good Luck with things :-)

  2. It can be frightening - when you think a murderer is/can be still walking the streets looking for more victims

    I also believe the police/prosecutor/lab could of release the DNA evidence years ago - like while her mother was still alive and being harassed by the media that dubbed her a murderer and such quotes as "she will have to face what she did in the afterlife" .

    To others it won't matter what the DNA says , Mrs Ramsey was convicted in the press and by opinion so she must be guilty - funny how that works.....

    There is no taking that kind of c**p back or apologizing for it as the woman is dead - but the media will feel justified as they "thought" it was true - instead of reporting facts.

    As for JonBenet's name it doesn't really hold the attention as much as her age & the fact her parents were touted by the media as the suspected killers

  3. I will always care until the day this case is solved. You gotta be pretty cold not to care. I still hope one day the person who's responsible will grow a conscience.

    I don't think the name has much to do with it. I still care about the Adam Walsh Case and how plain is that name?

  4. Yes, of course I do.  An innocent child was brutally murdered.

    God only knows what else the sick person who did this could have done or could be doing to others.

  5. Yes I still care, but I want ALL child killers caught, and although her unique name is very recognisable I think the media using the pageant photos is what really cemented her in peoples minds.

  6. Yes, it would have.  I still believe it was her mother, like in Madeline's case.

  7. Absolutely - I don't know who wouldn't care! She was just a baby and someone took her life. Just imagine how scared she must've been and all the pain she went through. Her killer just got away with all the torture they put her through. With all my heart - I care and want her killer to be caught and punished BIG TIME for what they did to that poor baby.

  8. Of course people care. She was a 6 year old innocent girl - she deserves justice.

  9. It has nothing to do with her name, to me.  A precious child was tortured and murdered.  I still care very much about this case because the murderer is still 'out there'.

  10. People who I have no personal connection to I do not have any feeling for

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    Unless they are a American people who have gotten cought up in a war zone or a terrorist attack then watch out

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    But her I feel bad for it but that  is as far as it goes

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  11. i never cared &nd never will

    wow im such a *****.

    oh well,,i can move on in life.

  12. Regardless of all the hype, she was just a little girl who didn't deserve the horror she went thru.  A lot of folks seem to forget that.

  13. That is such a terrible case. It's to bad the police messed things up in that case. She was such a darling little girl, how could anyone forget?

  14. I read today where they ruled out any family member through DNA testing but I don't obsess about the case. It would be nice if they did catch the killer.

  15. maybe it was the mother she died so wed never know

  16. No I dont' care anymore because they never put teh actual killer (John Ramsey ) in jail where he should be.

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