
Do you still have the right to buy your council house if you were homeless when housed?

by  |  earlier

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I have lived in my council flat for 6 yrs. I want to buy but heard somewhere that i can't as i was homeless (although my homelessness was classed as unintentional) when housed. Does the right to buy apply to me? If not do i regain it after a certain amount of time?




  1. I don't think it matters - I put in to buy my council house and it was accepted even though I got it through a special case priority due to problems with my ex husband.

  2. as long as uve been in it longer than 5 years you can buy.

    is it definatley a council house and not a housing assosiation house, cos u cant usually buy housing assosiation houses.

  3. you don't say where you live, as the right to buy is different in various areas. As it appears from your letter, you have the right to buy. However a visit to your local library and a quick look at the housing act 2004 will put you right. Your occupation may well affect your application, so it is well worth checking. The local council will help with any enquiry. Housing Associations do not sell properties under the right to buy scheme.

  4. I don't think being homeless as anything to do with buying your council house, you are allowed to buy your house after you have lived in it for so many years, but I'm not sure how many years it is, but it won't do you any harm to ask the council.

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