
Do you still make the mistake...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike calling the Sprint Cup Series the Nextel Cup Series and calling the Nationwide Series the Busch Series?




  1. I still call cup the Grand National Division.So yes I'm guilty of not calling the series the correct name.

  2. Sometimes...

  3. Yes I do Tom, if I had a jar and had to put a dollar in there every time I said it I would have enough to buy gas.

  4. All the time, But I still Call Earnhardt a Winston cup Champion and Kurt a Nextel Cup Champion. I am getting annoyed by these series name changes.

    And somebody needs to sponsor the IROC series, we need that back!!!

  5. Yeah all the time'

  6. Winston Cup for the longest time.

    And itll allways be the Busch Series for  me. It can be 20 years as the Ntionwide, but ill still call it  the orginal.

  7. No I don't, because at least that's one thing I'm sure of.

  8. More the second one than the first one, but yes. And expect me to still be saying Craftsman Truck Series next year.

  9. very rarely, though in some of the writing and editing i do for an online "people-powered search engine," it becomes problematic, as godsmack noted, when referring to kenseth as a "winston cup" champ, kurt as a "nextel cup" champ, and tony as a "winston and nextel cup" champ. it's an odd bone of contention for those drivers, although we tend to stick to "winston cup champs" for those drivers who have only ever won championships during the "winston cup" years and who are no longer competing.  calling cale yarborough, richard petty (or lee petty), darrell waltrip, or dale sr. a "sprint cup champion" just sounds wrong...

  10. be so young, I've caught myself calling it the Winston cup.

    And yeah, Busch series, almost every time.

  11. Guilty here! It's still the Cup Series & the Busch Series to me.

    Somehow I just can't change that habit. Guess we all agree on this one.

    Luv Super Daves idea about the jar!!  =o`)

    Many stars for you Tom!!

  12. Yes I do. As hard as I try, it still comes out wrong. Oh well.

  13. Yes of course. I hate it when tv annoucers refer to former champions as sprint cup champions. For instance Dale Earnhardt Sr. as a seven time sprint cup champ. Hello he won winston cups and probably never even used a sprint phone must less won their cup.

  14. no


  15. I'll probly still be doin that when they change their name again. It took almost 2 seasons before I finally quit calling it the Winston Cup Series.

  16. Yep the season is half over and I still can not stay Nationwide, I still say Busch all the time...The Sprint Cup I have that down cause I have a Sprint phone..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  17. Yes I do...all the time too.   It's hard to get used to.  Like writing the correct year down on everything in January and February.  lol

  18. Yes all of the time .

  19. all the time.

  20. i have mistaken them in the beginning of the season, but not anymore.

  21. I still think of the Cup as the Grand National, and the Nationwide as the Sportsman Division.

    I guess my brain is a little behind the times.

  22. I've been a nascar fan my whole life and i call nationwide Busch but my friend who i got into nascar last year calls all the series by the right name

  23. Ya and i dont care.

  24. All the time, especially the Busch Series.

  25. oh yeah all the time.  What kinda name is the Nationwide Series?  It's Busch and will always be.  NASCAR and beer, that's life

  26. I still call Sprint Cup "Winston Cup!!

  27. All the time.  When my friend and I talk we call the Craftsman Truck series, "truck" (though it did not change its name.)  The Nationwide we always call "Bush" and Sprint we just call it "Cup."

    I think the hardest one to 'get over' is the Bush becoming Nationwide.  Nationwide is just so long to say and write.

  28. I haven't been a huge nascar fan for many years, but I still want to call it the winston cup.   which is what it should be called anyway.

  29. I'm always reffering to Nationwide as the Busch Series still, I just refer to Sprint Cup as the Cup series.

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