
Do you still ovulate when on birth control?

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This might be a stupid question but id like to know..

please no rude comments.




  1. to the best of my recollection - you do NOT ovulate.

    Oral Birth control contains the hormones that your body produces WHEN you are pregnant.  Your body is fooled into thinking you are pregnant and you do not ovulate (but also why the pill can mimic feeling pregnant).  

  2. Birth control works by

    1. Stopping your ovaries from releasing an egg every month (ovulating)

    2. Making the lining in your uterus thinner just incase an egg DOES get released - this way if they egg does manage to get fertilized, the lining is too thin to support a fertilized egg

    3. Making the mucus at your cervix thicker, making it too hard for sperm to make it's way into the uterus to reach an egg.

    It can happen and has been known to happen - many women have gotten pregnant while being on the bc, so if you do go on it (in pill form), make sure you take them properly and always use condoms if you don't take them properly. Do what your doctor tells you.

  3. Yes you can, that is why NO birth control is 100 per cent effective.

    The ONLY 100 per cent effective method is abstinence.

  4. u arent supposed to but it can happen thats how sum ppl get pregnant while on birth control

  5. In 99% cases you don't ovulate during using birth control pills. Read more about it below

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