
Do you still send your child to nursery school when he/she has a bad cough? No fever, just a cough.?

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Do you still send your child to nursery school when he/she has a bad cough? No fever, just a cough.?




  1. Absolutely.  The school should have guidelines about this, too, on what they accept.  If you're positive your child has no other illness associated with this cough then there's no reason to keep them out of school.  A cough can be so many things, though, so if you're concerned take the child to the doctors.  It's possible the cough is allergy-related, too, and therefore harmless to other people.

  2. how bad is 'bad'? It depends on the nursery school guidelines. I would notify the teacher(s), they usually allow a cough however not when the child is sick.

  3. I wouldn't. It might be 'just a cough' now but it could easily progress into a full blown cold. I would keep the child home for a day or 2. I also wouldn't appreciate anyone else sending their child to nursery school with a cough. Just because it doesn't seem bad, it doesn't mean te other children won't catch it.

  4. i wouldnt but each to their own!! if you have to work then you have to i guess :)

  5. Yes.  I only keep them home if they are miserable or have a fever.

  6. NO ..Teachers work for minimum wage and dont need your kid in there making them sick! Once one negligent parent brings a sick kid in the entire room passes it for months. I always thought parents who dont take off work to nurture their sick kid and exspect a daycare teacher to play mommy ..suck as parents

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