
Do you still think John Edwards has a chance to become President this year?

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Do you still think John Edwards has a chance to become President this year?




  1. Not even.

  2. idiot

  3. Are you OK?  He's not even running, so no, he doesn't have much chance.

  4. Quit beating that horse, it's nothing but bones!

  5. He has crashed and burned.  Over and out.

    The rest of the nation has finally seen the John Edwards the state of NC saw all along.  A man who's every move is totally self centered.

  6. Are you nuts. He is done for good.

  7. no why would you ask

  8. The only kind of president he has a chance to become is the president of his own fan club! I think his political career is over for a while. If it is possible for him to feel shame, I think he should spend some time trying to understand what his wife and children must be going through right now. Cut out the expensive haircuts and focus on his family.  

  9. Are you well? No

  10. Some men just don't get it by doing things out side their marriage.  You can have every thing life but nothing pleases you in the long run and the person you hurt in the long run is yourself. Mr. Edwards will never reach his life's ambition and the words he said he became are just words to him.

  11. No. He doesn't have a chance to be become the President of the United States this year.

  12. Sure. Same chance as Obama...ZERO!

  13. hmmm, lemme

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