
Do you still trust Banks? £1.5 billion in excess profits made from unclaimable Payment Protection Insurance.?

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2 million people have been mis-sold policies, because they would never have been able to claim on them.

Competition Commission has alleged that banks make £1.5 billion in excess profits from Payment Protection Insurance.





  1. If you or I were to do it we would be prosecuted for fraud. I fail to see any difference.

  2. Most of us stopped blindly trusting the 'authorities' when we find out that Santa Claus is not real :-)

    Soon after I got my first job, and had to start paying for things out of my own pocket, when some-one tried to sell me some-thing my first reaction would be 'how is this of benefit to ME ?' ....

    .. very soon I stopped asking that question, and asked instead, 'how is this of benefit to THEM ?'

    Thus, when I applied for my first Mortgage, and was offered an 'Endowment', I quickly found out that 'they' would be taking most of my first 2 years payments in commission .... and so demanded a 'Repayment' mortgage instead ..

    I manged to avoid most types of rip-off insurance on the grounds that to collect I would have to be dead (or nearly dead) .. and found out early on that 'payment protection' protected THEM, not me ..

    These days I am so 'cynical' that whatever financial product I am offered my immediate reaction is "no, it's a rip off" .. if I want it I will do my own research (and get multiple quotes) ..

  3. What do you mean still trust banks...I never did trust the robbing sleazeballs!

  4. Banks are one of the things in this life I hate and despise the most. I don't like them and I don't trust them,and yes I do have a bank account,with minimal money in it,Since when did it take 5 days for a cash transfer to happen? Last week for me. P1ss taking fascists.

    Don't get me started on this cr+p.

  5. I stopped trusting banks almost 20 years ago when this sucker was mis-sold one of those payment protection insurance plans.

    When I became too ill to work I tried claiming on it and, for the first 5 or 6 months, everything appeared to be OK.  Then, all of a sudden I received letter after letter telling me that because I suffered with a pre-existing condition, and they would no longer be paying out on my claim.  It made no difference that I'd talked through this pre-existing condition with the loans officer at my bank, and was assured that the payment protection insurance was there precisely because of that.

    Lying b&st*rds, the lot of 'em.

    I had to take out another loan, with the same bank, over a longer term simply so I could keep up with repayments, and the stupid tw&ts asked me if I'd like to take out payment protection insurance on it ... as it would be in my favour if I did. i.e., there was a better chance that my loan request would be approved.  Of all the gall.

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