
Do you still trust the Russian regime?

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Peter B,

Are they Russians or Local population with Russian passports




  1. Is the Russian invasion of South Ossetia to protect their people any different to the American invasion of Granada or the British invasion of the Falkland islands for the same purpose?

  2. Why not? Have they let us down on something? The question should be addressed to the Georgians: Do you still trust the yanks?  

  3. Yes. They're honest about why they invade countries. The reason this is all happening is down to the U.S anyway. How would the yanks feel if the Russians wondered over to Mexico with a few missiles and claimed they were aimed at Canada...AND the Cuban crisis was down to the U.S placing missiles in Turkey first. Have you ever trusted the U.S regime? Don't beleive what you read in the papers.

  4. I do not. Since Stalins time  Russia has been controlled by a type of Mafia.

    General Patten in WW2 got it right. After defeating Germany we should have joined forces with them and conquered Russia. It would then have become a democracy not a communist state.

  5. trust no one, this world runs on money

  6. I haven't considered any Russian leader "trustworthy" since Gorbachev...there were times he had more friends on the "outside" than on the "inside"...He needed us and we need worked.

    Note his motto was "Open-ness" not "Control" as it now seems to be...

  7. No one in their right mind has trusted Russia since the end of the first world war.East Germany/poland/Slovakia/checz republic/hungary/Roumania/bulgaria/bela-... countries with unpronounceable names ie Kazakhstan etc.Add in all the regions that have been forced to be in the Russian federation ie Chechen,siberia,dagestan the tar tar region.All these have been invaded and oppressed by Russia.That country is historically the world's most evil.Ask anyone from the above countries.

    The passport criteria under Russian law is 10 years before you can obtain one.In South Ossetia the russian turned up in trucks and handed out photoed passports to the south ossetians in 2/3 days (about 30,000) They are not russians,but they took the pasports because russia has an arrangement with the EU that makes it easy for russians to obtain temporary work permits in the EU.Georgia does not.So getting a Russian passport means easy access to employment within the EU.Russia did it so they can say they were protecting russian citizens.l met 2 Ossetians working in London and they confirmed this to me

  8. I've never trusted Russians....

  9. I'd trust Putin more than I would Bush.

  10. I have never trusted russia

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