
Do you still use videocassettes to record program off tv?

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Do you still use videocassettes to record program off tv?




  1. We no longer even have the VCR connected. The PVR's are so much better because they are automatic, they title everything (no more ... what did we put second, third on this tape?), faster to skip forward/back, etc.

  2. Nope not for a least 2 years. I have a DVR and a DVD recorder.

  3. Yep, still hanging on to my VHS tapes and recording on them.

    In fact, just recorded a program last evening.

  4. I love this question, and nope, I'm still on beta max!

    kidding, I'm too young to have many tapes, its all dvds for me, i'm afraid, but even they are becoming obsolete! and you know, you can record directly to dvd now, or just have the box your watching tv on record it.

    Marvellous thing technology

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