
Do you still want to give your child a unique name after reading this?

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This is why I'm against the selfish trend for these "unique"names its all very well for parents to want away from traditional names but its not you that had to carry it for the rest of your lives




  1. Heya

    No matter what kids will find someting to pick on you for. kids are mean. ellie rhymes with smelly. so what .everything rhymes. obviously normal people dont call their child rumur. but i would hate to have a name like kate or elizabeth.

    =] x*x

  2. Did anyone see that article in 'The Sun' a few weeks ago (there goes my reputation after admitting reading The Sun!). There was a couple in New Zealand who had their daughter taken away after naming her "Tallulah Does The Hula In Hawaii". Honestly, that was her full name. The judge said it was bordering on child abuse as the poor girl had been teased relentlessly about it. There was also a couple who had twins and named them Benson and Hedges. Another set of twins called Fish and Chips.

      I'm all for not overdoing a name - my eldest was named after my granny Isabella and she was several months old before I realised how many girls are called Isabel/Isabella/Isabelle now.  

  3. She was most probably named after a famous author Rummer Godden. I read all her books many years ago

  4. kids will try and make fun of anyname.

    i am called ellie which i think is quite normal and i used to get called smelly ellie.

    Rumer is too out there for me, but there are unique names that are actually lovely names aswell.

    dont go naming your child things like bunnie, sugar,candy they are ridiculous names but unique names can be really nice,

    people will find anything to make fun of whoever you are.

  5. I always say leave the cute or unique names as middle names, there are so many beautiful unique names that wont get teasing and stuff..  

  6. I SURE DO!!! i have a normal name and would rather have one more creative... who cares if someone doesnt like it? i would reather have a different name than anyone else then walk into a room with 20 people who have the same name...its what would make me...ME! being unique is way better than being like everyone else!

  7. Kids can make fun of any name. (ANY NAME!!!)

    My name is Abigail Josephine Hermann. My mother liked Abigail , and Josephine is my great aunts name. Hermann is my surname.

    It sounds like a normal name, but I used to get made fun of all the time. I was always being called Abby, which I hated, and everyone would say "but it's so pretty!" Other kids called me "biggie" because the word big is in the middle of Abigail. They called me "Abby He-man" "Hairy-man" and made fun of the "gail" part of Abigail since it is also a word that means wind. My own grandmother used to tell me that I needed to pray extra hard because my mother gave me a "Jew name" and God would confuse me with a "heathen Jew" and I would go to h**l.

    I'm 18 now, and I answer to nothing but Josephine, Phi, Jo, or Capella (a nickname given to me by a friend).

    I am going to give my kids "unique" names, but not ridiculously weird ones.

    I like




    Capella (a very pretty star name in my opinion, with lots of cute nicknames).





    and i have others that I like, the father will of course have input, so he can prevent my choosing anything to weird.

    They will have more "normal" middle names, so that like me, if (IF) they hate their names (there is no guarantee that they will) they can use their middle names. And if they ever ask me to call them something else, I will not argue with them like my family did, and I will encourage them to have their names changed IF they want to.

    There is no way that I would settle for a common trendy name like Ashley, Maddison, Sophia, McKensie, or anything that Rhymes with Aiden.

  8. I would teach my kids that those kids are just hurt and want to get back at other people and to ignore it, which means I would still give them a unique name. Hope I helped.

  9. Nope.  Traditional names all the way for me!  BTW, is it just me or did that poor kid inherit the worst bits of both her parents?  You'd think with such a good looking mum & dad she would be gorgeous.......I guess you can't count on genetics!

  10. Yes.

    For every person who hates her unusual name, there's another who hates her overly common name.  And for every one who is mocked for her given name, there's another mocked for being very tall, for having red hair or for wearing braces.  Teasing happens.

    It's also worth remembering that a name that is unusual in, say, rural Nebraska, might be very normal in a sprawling East Coast city.

  11. I love unique names.  Kids will make fun of kids for anything. Clothes, glasses, weight, height, appearance, etc... Just because you give a kid some average, over-used name doesnt mean they wont get picked on. Its a part of life and growing up. So I will stick with my unique and original names thank you.

  12. Oh, wow. It's another spoilt celebrity baby splashing about in the tabloids, moaning about her terrible life. First it was Peaches Geldof, now it's Rumer Willis.. whoever next?

    Why can't all these rich kids keep themselves to themselves? Why can't they realize that there is more to life than them and their stupid names?

    Yes, it's unfortunate how some children are called ridiculous names, but shouldn't they be blaming their parents and not complaining in all the papers?

    Rumer Willis is lamenting over how she got called, "Rumer, Rumer, with a big hairy tumour," but all over the world there are worse-off kids who have to worry where there food is scoming from everyday.

    Anyway, the name 'Rumer' is not made-up. It is a real name, but very very rare, and I don't really see anything wrong with her parents deciding to call her that. It's unfortunate that Rumer got teased, but at least her parents didn't call her something ridiculous like 'K-2' or 'Talula Does the Hula'.

    Personally, I don't mind unique names. Some of them are quite imaginitive & pretty. The only thing I have a problem with is really stupid names, like 'Hawaii50' or 'Dandyboobooh'.

    Perhaps Rumer should sit down and appreciate what she's got (famous parents, lots of money) instead of complaining about it. Be thankful you're not called something 'normal', like Emily.

  13. Kids will find a way to make fun of any name.

    My name is Renee and I would get called "mayonaise".

  14. Kids make fun of all names, not just the strange ones. My sister's name is Kelli, and kids always sang rhymes like Kelli, Kelli with the big fat belly (she wasn't fat). Her nickname is still Kelli-Belly or KelBel, though she has gotten over hating it. I am a Natalie, and I am called always called me gnat like a bug. They make fun of everything.

  15. Yes, cos kids will always find a way to pick on you if they want to.  When i posted my suggestions for names for my baby, I got he'l be a weirdo why cant you call him something traditional.  Even traditional names are linked to someone you could get bullied for ie Michael - Michael Jackson.  Its 21st century what is wrong with new names being used in 20yrs these could be the new traditional names.  I got bullied for Abbie (scabbie abbie, flabbie abbie etc)  kids are cruel lets get over it.  I was UK size 6, but flabby rhymed with name.  I dont hate my name cos some pathetic ppl used it to taunt me.

    Just notice someone else got bullied for having same name as me - Abigail is my full name & i also got same insults as Cappella.

  16. its alright parents giving their kids strange names, but its the kid that has to go to school with it and through the rest of its life, makes you wonder what some people are thinking of

  17. Rumer isn't actually unique.  There was a very well-known author called Rumer Godden, who was writing from the 1930s to the 1990s.

    Teasing happens in schools to people with ordinary names too.  Kids will pick up anything they can and change it to make it funny.  I know someone whose surname is g*y - imagine what he must have gone through at school.

    Mind you, I do think the line was crossed when Frank Zappa named his daughter Moon Unit.

  18. Please do your kids a favor, so they don't end up like Rummer. Poor girl.

  19. I do agree "Rumer" is a bit over the top. BUT--- "unique" names DO NOT always mean THAT unique. I've named some of my kids more unique names. But most of the names most people have heard. One of my daughter's names is Carsyn Brianna. I think that's unique for a girl, but not unheard of. And the only other unique name that my kids have, is one of my other daughter's name, Gemma Grace. Those, I don't think are over the top. I wouldn't name my child something like "Rumer." It's cruel, and she's ashamed for her name. But, if she wanted she could change it. :)  

  20. A name is just a sound you make.  It's the meaning people put behind the name.  Before Hitler, the name "Adolf" was perfectly acceptable, but now it is not.

  21. My daughter has a normal name. Addison.

    And plan on naming #2 a normal name aswell.

    My neighbors kids are called Simba(boy) and Luna(girl)

  22. I have always been one for

    traditional names

    and this proves i am right to be so


  23. I think it depends on the name. Some unique names are nice, but others can turn into one like her's.  

  24. In response to the Rumer article,

    kids will tease other children in any way they can

    they will find something to rhyme with the name no matter what it is...

    i do agree that some names are stupid e.g Apple and Peaches

    but i think some unique are really nice and so much better than traditional names as to be honest they make the person seem more unique and sometimes more interesting in my opinion. Not saying you shouldn't call them trad names however.

  25. what is with these stupid name for their children Summer Spring never had Winter but someone out there prob has  

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