
Do you still wear a bikini or belly shirts with stretch marks.?

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I got some stretch marks while pregnant..I don't have a saggy belly..I am used to wearing belly shirts..I have a long torso and just some shirts show the bottom of my belly were the stretch marks you think I still could wear them or people would make fun of me. I know this is a stupid question just wondering if anyone sports there marks without shame!?




  1. OMG these people crack me you with the whole, you shouldnt dress a certin way beacuse your a mom, dont get me wrong I dont think you should take a walk in the park with your stroller in a mini skirt and short shirt, but I dont think its wrong or bad for a mother to still be able to dress "like there age", Im 24 with a baby girl and I still wear my short from HCO and what not, just beacuse you become a mom doesnt mean you have to dress like a soccer mom, I bet those people use the Im fat beacuse I had a baby excues too.. LMAO

    If your okay with your strech marks then go for it.

  2. I think it's just a bad idea to dress like that as a mom period, but having stretch marks and showing them off is a bit too much. I would say that's a big negative.

  3. No, I would never expose my stretchmarks to the world. They are bad enough for me to look at and I can only Imagine if I were to expose them what other people would think! :) Since I had my Daughter, I also try and dress like a Mother....Appropriate is the word.  

  4. Well I saw your pics that you posted a couple of days ago and d**n, you can wear a bikini if you want to. You have a fantastic figure.  

  5. Well let's put it this way, before you had your baby and you saw chicks sportin' belly shirts with strech marks....did you think to yourself what the heck is she wearing or did you say that chick is cool because she doesn't care what people think.  Now if it is the latter of the 2 go ahead and be a strech markin' belly showin' lady... but if you were miss judgemental like me, I'd be hidin' the baby makin' belly.

  6. If that avatar is really you, I think you could wear a clown costume you pulled out of a dumpster, and you'd look great, stretch marks or no.

  7. i envy you! you are so lucky thats you dont have a saggy belly! that totaly ok,if you want to wear bikini people wont mind if you have stretch marks.i guess you will still look s**y!  : )

  8. If i had flat belly i'd wear short tops! stretch marks fade in colour after a while so they won't be noticeable anyway! x

  9. who cares so long as you're comfortable in your own skin and clothes i say go for it!! if they did make comments they are prob just jealous.

  10. I didn't get any, but if I had some, I don't think I would be showing them off. People may not say much to your face, but they may make comments to their friends. I just wouldn't do it. Plus, as your baby gets older, s/he may not like that fact that mommy is showing her mid-drift.

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