
Do you still write letters?

by  |  earlier

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Do you still write letters? Or have you evolved into using computers and other forms of technology for communication? What do you prefer?




  1. I use both.I find it cool and kinda exiting getting letters on the occasion.It's more convenient to write E-Mails for me and stamps are really expensive now.When I write letters though,I decorate and even color the envelope some.

  2. I write love letters still, and little notes to go in his lunch.

  3. Nah I dont write letters. Even to my penpal. who I type letters to.

    Sad... I know.

  4. Yes, I hand-write letters, lists, poetry, notes, stories.

    I also use PDAs, cell phone notes and calendar, and this thing in front of me.  I prefer hard copy and I back up everything.  What if my technology blows or fries, then what would I do?  If you don't use it, you lose it as in the case with handwriting.

  5. i actually prefer emails but once in a blue moon i write 2 my overseas frends

  6. Yes, to my cousin who is in Afgannn.

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