
Do you subscribed to this idea that our philosophy is no longer a way of life, as it was in antiquity?

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However, it instead turned into an exclusive;y intellectual and academic affair?

Just want to hear your philosophical thoughts my great thinkers. Thanks for sharing your time answering. Have a great day to all.




  1. It seems your definition of philosophy of life is extremely narrow. Personally prefer the term core values for my own philosophy of life. Had Liberal College education so enjoy the mind exercise for mind exercise sake discussions in philosophy can offer. In modern day society it has more become following: What is someone paying to hype this week.    

  2. life itself is a philosophy.



  3. I'm not sure it was always a way of life even in antiquity.  Socrates claimed to know nothing.  Aristotle was highly academic.  It's true many of the Sophists doubled as life coaches.

    I think you always need the narrower definition to refer to the open-ended critical examination of ideas.  If one wants a way of life too, there are many ways to choose from.

  4. No. Philosophy is your personal view of life.  The love, study or pursuit of knowledge or wisdom. If you believe that all people are individuals, then each individual has their own philosophy.

    My head mistress's  remark on  my final report from school, when I was 18+  was 'Felicity is an individualist.' When I showed it to my father, he said 'That's good,' and I said, 'Oh come on Dad, you know that is  negative.'

    Strangely enough, by closest friend had exactly the same comment - well not exactly the same, because she wasn't called Felicity. Her parents, both teachers, but not in our school, weren't phased either.

    When I was pregnant, I remembered Simone de Beauvoir's comments about a pregnant women being just a container for a new life, but I enjoyed my children, without giving up my very individual philosophy.

  5. These answers to do with "x is a philosophy" really annoy me because we're not talking about a way of life, but rather the quest for universal knowledge.

    So without trying to say "life is philosophy" or something annoying like that I will try my best to give my opinion.

    Back in the day (ancient days) philosophy was much more general and took into account things we can now provide answers (for example, what is everything made of and other strictly scientific laws/theories). Nowadays however philosophy appears to be based on things that are not observable in that there is no objective, physical and empirical "thing" to point to (for example, morality, what counts as knowledge, what is function, when does an object become another object and so on). Because science was once a part of philosophy it made sense to give theories on everything that is inexplicable, but since we have these ground works in science and other disciplines, then we must take into account what we DO know for CERTAIN and use our own knowledge to help explain other things. Therefore, the more intellectual person will apparently have a greater idea of the world and may be able to provide a strong and more well rounded view and present good explanation on certain philosophical topics.

  6. It is important that we manifest in our own lives that which we know inside by the Grace of the living presence of Jesus inside of us, the indwelling Holy Spirit

  7. Even if we want to live according to some pattern life is unpredictable.

  8. Philosophy dominates everything now as it did then. It is just simpler and more specific and based on accumulation of individual power in a zero sum package.

  9. My philosophy is an extension of my spirituality, so largely, for me, it is a way of life.

    The question that is begging to be asked (in my mind) what IS the way of life for society

  10. Yes, it's gone from practical to abstract, gradually over the past 2,000 years. Or seems to have done so. To me it seems that it's the association with the word, In that it has almost exclusively academic meaning for many. Yet don't we all use a little philosophy everyday?

  11. Pure philosophy is probably only being practiced in Universities and academic circles. However philosophy is being practiced and used constantly. All political issues are ultimately philosophical issues. Abortion, gun rights the war all these issues center around great philosophical debates. 2 people will stand on opposing sides using logic to support their views this is Philosophy. All ministers are practicing Philosophy. Theology is just one branch of Philosophy. Whenever a person is defending a point of view he is using Philosophy whether he know it or not.

  12. I think it has turned into an academical affair and less intellectual.  MOst of the great thinking philosophical persons of antiquity are gone and we don't have to to wax philosophical.  Nothing wrong with sitting around with a scotch and a cigar relaxing and pondering the perplexities of life.  Who has time though?  Not me.  We all ought to make time.

  13. I said this at least once before that the compartmentalisation of knowledge, as it was in the days of ancient Greeks for instance, in only modern western where we have sought to maximise the utility of knowledge for extrovert purposes of our living, and not necessarily for the purpose of life in its entirety – we still seek to know through philosophy as what life is.

    But while philosophy is still trying to come up with an explanation, and is dealing with situations of doubt, we have, in the mean time, learnt to make some good practical use of the knowledge that we are certain about. We know how to gather together scientific knowledge and change physical world for our use and purpose, how to build and run mechanisms, organisations, cities, and above all how to observe our progress and evaluate our condition. But there we feel is a limit to what we can physically achieve, how far we can develop and even mentally through physically. We have observed that countless species of animals went extinct even when they had millions of years to evolve, showing to us that there is just so much we could do while restrained to materialistic sense of life. We are not like any of the animals that live for millions of years before. We are the kind of life to whom life means more that what we may find our science and technology useful for.

    This might seem proper to say that a holistic philosophical approach is no longer a way life in the light of modern materialistic development. But I think this is just a phase as sooner or latter human mind, for the time being distracted and dazzled, will come round to assert is needs that make us human at the first place.

    The fact that our current approach to knowledge and it use is purely extrovert. It has to be if it is to be objective. The knowledge for us for what it can do for us, first and foremost, and only lastly what it can teach us about life, about the self, and about the cause of creation. I think for the time being we might have lost sight of the overall purpose of knowledge that includes objective not only physical and humanistic but also spiritual and divine.

    It is like while travelling we found a marvellous mention by the path and we could not help but enter the building. It would not be long when we once will begin to realise the purpose of journey is not to end up here but to go even further. The intrigue, the enchantment, the capacity and the need are all there, it is just the matter of time, until fully charter the mention to realise that there is nothing more to be found we will be on our why again reaching out to the exploration of new and wonderful realities of our being.

  14. What led you to the belief that it was ever a common way of life. The peasants did not become literate until about the 17th century and even then it was a long road to public education and the notion of liberty in thought. It is not an idea, it is a false axiom.

  15. Yes, philosophy is quite different today, than ages ago.  It has adopted a whole new and different meaning.  But, as I look at everything else in life, over the years, all of it has dramatically changed.

    What used to be is forever gone...

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