
Do you suffer Side effects from Mirena,Weight gain,bloating,hair loss,?

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If you have side effects,look at this info..

Let me know




  1. I've had one for over a year now, and I haven't had any side effects aside from some cramping and bleeding when I first had it put in (I know some people have enough problems that they have to get them removed, but I've been fine).  In fact, my periods have decreased in volume and I get less cramping.

    I have gained weight in this period, but only a little, and only because I've been eating more than I should and not exercising :P

  2. Find answer to your question at

  3. I gained 30 pounds in a 10 month period. With no diet and exercises diet. I also experienced bloating, I had back pain while on it nausea  and acne. I had it removed  in 6/19/08 and since then I have gone back on the pill and lost 15 pounds acne cleared up and the nausea had stop and the back pain.

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