
Do you support Obama's plan to reduce federal taxes by 15%?

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Do you support Barack Obama's plan to reduce federal taxes by 15% across the board?

You've certainly heard of his desire and intent to eliminate the federal debt. Did you know that 15% of all federal tax revenue goes to pay the annual interest on the federal debt?

"In 2003 $318 billion was spent on interest payments servicing the debt, out of a total tax revenue of $1.95 trillion" - Source: "IRS Collections by State and Type 1998-2006"

Certain politicians like to claim that they are "tax cutters", but by merely eliminating the federal debt, President Obama will reduce by 15% the need for federal tax revenue.

Do you support Obama's plan?




  1. Yes.  Beyond that most of the federal tax cuts on our payroll just ends up somewhere else, like our cell phone bill.

  2. The federal debt interest is about $550 billion per year now. And this war will cost over $4,000 Billion (4 trillion).

    Yes, cut the taxes. But government size must be cut also - which is MORE IMPORTANT than tax cuts. Government grows by no less than %15 per year, which is unsustainable, and a growing threat to freedom and lives around the world.

    Clinton's deficit dip meant little. The amount was equal to 2 years interest payment over his entire presidency.

    So obamas cutting of %15 of taxes, sure, i welcome it, so long as it includes a %25 cut in government. (and that wont happen with the republicrats).

  3. I support anything that has a chance to reduce the debt---I don't want my grandchildren to have to pay for this...

  4. WOW! NOW THAT is a stretch! I have never seen anything so twisted and skewed. So now raising taxes is actually lowering them! I have heard and read it all now. ROFLMAO

  5. NO!!! this is not realistic!!! DO not vote for OBAMA!!!!As a lawyer he is good only to  BULLSHIT the already brainwashed people. I would recommend to think about what he is saying and soon you'll realize that is all BULLSHIT.

    He will bring the BUSH's "Destroy AMerica" plan to a successfull finish!!! Do not allow them to full you, plase AMERICA WAKE UP!!!! It is not toooo late!!!! American citizens, if you really love your country do not vote for him. Furthermore, everybody who oposes exploration of the Country resources they are paid clowns of foreign interests group, thus shall be considered ANTY-AMERICA and trialed for treason!!!!!! PLASE PEOPLE, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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