
Do you support Tiger Woods!?

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I support Tiger Woods he is probably the 2nd or 3rd best golf player out there .So please support Tiger Woods!Please don't answer this question if you don't like Tiger Woods or don't like him and does not want hi to be #1! -Tiger Woods #1 supporter Nami.




  1. Yeah Tiger is the best....anyone who doesn't think so doesn't know Golf.

  2. i hold tiger woods with the same awe and admiration as muhamed ali . first as humanitarians through thier charity work , and ther timeless effort to aid and encourage the underprivlidleged . as far asd tiger the golfer , pure class gracious when winning , gracious when someone happens to have a better four dats . which does happen . i know you just wanted a golf answer , but i am 60 tears old  so my perspective is slightly different than yours . i dont mean this with any disrespect towards you please do not take offence . just a old guys perspective on one h**l of a golfer , and great humatarian . all the best

  3. I think Tiger Woods is an incredible golfer -- he rates up there with some of the best of the past years -- Arnie Palmer, Jack Nicholson and a few others.  He leads a clean life and you don't hear gossip about him or his family.  That's the kind of sports hero we should hold up to our children to look up to.  He is a good example of what to be.

  4. He makes enough money that he does not need my support. I also contacted the IRS and they told me even if i gave him 50% support I could not claim him on my tax return.

  5. Tiger is # 1 dumb***

  6. tiger is the greatest of all time nobody will ever match what he has done.

  7. Its grown old already, every time he plays all they talk about is him. Its basically grown into a joke at this point. I still think he's at least a top 3 golfer today. back in 1999-2002, he was undeniably number 1

  8. I don't really watch Golf, so don't no. But I'll guess, "Sure, I support him."

  9. Tiger is the best golfer not the 2nd or 3rd.

  10. If Tiger is 2nd or 3rd, who's 1st?

  11. 2nd or 3rd best?  Who is better than him?  I question how much you support Tiger Woods.  A supporter wouldn't say he is 2nd or 3rd best.  He is the #1 ranked golfer in the world.  As bad as he played today, he still finished 2nd.

  12. He doesn't need my support.

  13. Nope. just as much as i support our troops that die and our pittyfull Gov does to our way of life.

    I hate Golf Sorry

  14. h**l yeah tiger is the number 1 golfer not 2 or 3

  15. He is the best golfer out there, just that he is not doing that well in this Master! Anyway he pulled back from 19th Fri to finish second.

    He just need to be in-form to be winning again.

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